Why I want to be a Doctor On this slide you should consider the following Why you want to be a Doctor? Show the audience that you are serious about why you want to be a Doctor. Be sure you speak with enthusiasm. What sort of Doctor would you like to be? This is your opportunity to tell the audience that you have thought more in depth about your goal. Maybe you have an area of Medicine which interests you the most pedeatrics, oncology or surgery. What has inspired you to achieve this goal? Do you have any family members in the medical field who have inspired you? Is there someone who has inspired and influenced your dream of becoming a Doctor? This could be someone who you do not know directly.
I have always enjoyed studying chemistry and biology at school especially the human aspects of these courses and wish to learn more. Also, I would like a career that not only allows me to think and use the knowledge I have gained but also to use it in a practical way where it can influence lives for the better. My goal is to become an emergency room Doctor, because I work well under a high pressure and I believe I have good leadership skills. I know I will never have to days the same in this specialty. I really want to become a Doctor, to change peoples lives. And care for people and whenever possible to ease suffering however I can. I have recently shadowed a Doctor, watching them at work inspired me so much. It has also shown me what responsibility you have as a Doctor, and how much trust patients put into you. Why not insert a picture of you here Why I want to be a Doctor
Why I would make a good Doctor On this slide you should consider the following What character traits do you have which you think would be useful as a Doctor Are you good with elderly or young people? Do you have good leadership skills, do you like dealing with people? Consider why you could help patients? Why would this role suit you? Really sell your self, imagine this is your medical school interview. What makes you stand out as a good candidate.
I enjoy the challenge of working as part of a team which would enable me to work more effectively to help people in a hospital environment. I am able to listen to people and take instruction, but also work well as a team leader this is why I think I would make a good Emergency room Doctor. I have always had a desire to help those in need. I can’t imagine a better feeling than making someone sick better, I also would be honored to have the responsibility of caring for people when they are most vulnerable. Having witnessed illness in my family I think I will have a lot of empathy for my patients, I think this will help considerably with building patient relationships Why I would make a good Doctor
A Personal Story On this slide you should consider the following Do you have a personal story which has inspired you to become a Doctor? Have you been ill, have you witnessed a family or member or friend with an illness, have you seen an accident. What has your experience taught you, how has it changed you? Do you want to further your knowledge because of it? Has it made you more driven in achieving your goals? Has it inspired you towards your goal of becoming a Doctor? Was this experience what made you interested in becoming a Doctor?
A few years ago I witnessed a car accident, I was forced to stand and watch while help arrived. I felt completely useless, knowing that I couldn't Do anything to help the situation. When the ambulance arrived I watched as the EMT’s get to work, and was amazed at how calmly they took over the situation. I don’t ever want to stand and watch again A week after I decided to go and learn basic resuscitation skills. And this reaffirmed that I want to one day become a Doctor. My Personal Story
What is Medusa? I have been selected to attend the MedUSA course for future Doctors. The seven day course is a unique collaboration between doctors, medical school administrators and medical students, designed to provide an insight into medicine and the preparation necessary to make a successful application to College and medical school. The aim of MedUSA is to make a genuine difference. Through a rich blend of lectures, workshops and clinical sessions, the purpose of the course is to inform, prepare and motivate young men and women who want a career in medicine.
Why do I want to attend the course? On this slide you should consider the following Why do you think it will help? Do you think it will teach you more about a Doctors day to day life? Do you want to reaffirm that this is the right career choice for you? What do you hope to gain from it? Do you want to gain practical experience? Learn from the experience of leading Doctors and Surgeons. Do you want to learn more about applying to Medical school? What interests you about it? Do you want to learn more about a specialty like pediatrics, emergency surgery or Oncology.
Why I want to attend MedUSA The thing that excites me the most about MedUSA is the practical experience, So far I have only observed Doctors working, I really can not wait to perform key hole surgery simulation, ultra sound, learn how to take blood and EKG’s I am also looking forward to spending time with other students who share the same goal as me, I feel this will overall be a very positive experience. I am looking forward to meeting Doctors and Professors from all over the country, to find out why They chose medicine, and to find out more about There day to day life. Most of all I am looking forward to finding out how To secure my place at Medical school.
What Steps have I taken to achieve my goal In this slide you should consider the following Explain to your audience that you are serious about your dream of becoming a Doctor? Have you volunteered at hospitals? Have you done any charity fundraising? What classes are you taking at school? How are they helping you? Are you passionate about Science? What clubs and after school activities are you part of? How have they inspired you, what extra skills have they taught you ie: Leadership, communication skills, furthered your knowledge in a certain area.
Insert a photograph of your work fundraising or volunteering within your community I currently volunteer at the local hospital, this has only stengthend my dertermination to becoming a Doctor. The whole experience has been inspiring. I also volunteer at my local food drive project, not only do I believe in giving back to my community. But I also feel that this encourages my communication and leadership skills. Last summer I also work in a day care center and a retirement home, I think that by doing that I learnt to care for two very different groups of people. I hope that this will help me with working with Different types of patients and people from different walks Of life. I am also part of my school biology club, I do not want to Leave my passion for science behind in the class room What steps have am I taking to achieve my goal
Explain how being a Doctor will impact your community in the future? Do you want to practice or study Medicine close to your home? Have you received a MedUSA Scholarship? Tell the audience that you have achieved this through your personal essay How much do you need to raise to attend the course? How much do you need to raise? How much have you already got? Think about if you need to include the cost of travel? What have you done so far to raise the funds, What will you continue to do? Show your audience that you are willing to work hard to raise the remaining funds In this slide you should consider the following Help me attend MedUSA this summer
In the future I want to be able to repay the community some small measure of what it has given me I have currently received a MedUSA scholarship of $650, this was awarded to me for my academic achievements and my personal essay. So far I have raised $200 by having bake sales at schools and from kind donations from local businesses. I still need to raise an extra $400 to attend the Program at UCLA this summer. I hope you can See the real impact this will have on me and my Future career. Therefore I ask if you can sponsor a Future Doctor! Attending MedUSA