WORKSHOP GOALS Technical information, tutorials of interest to local members Information about IEEE and IAS of interest to local members
RESPONSIBILITIES CMD officers help select and obtain –technical materials –speakers –seed money –helpful advice
RESPONSIBILITIES Local chapter will –prepare budget –look after meeting room, accommodations –advertise locally –conduct meeting –obtain feedback –prepare closing report
TYPICAL AGENDA Morning –technical presentation –break –outline of IEEE financial programs –technical program –lunch and informal discussions
TYPICAL AGENDA Afternoon –outline relationship with sister societies –technical program –break –outline value of IEEE and IAS –technical program –open discussion, comments
PROSPECTIVE ATTENDEES IAS members and prospective members Sister Society members (IES, PELS, PES) Related societies (ISA, Professional Engineers, others)
SCHEDULE Complete the first round in time to report and review at the IAS Annual Meeting in October, 2002
WORKSHOP SITES Round 1: –These are the 2002 workshops –Select beta sites that are most readily accessible –Target 6 sites for certain –Be prepared to serve all sites –Regions for sure –Region 9N if possible
SPECULATION ON SITES Region 1E, 2E –Philadelphia, Delaware Bay, North Jersey Region 1W –Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Schenectady Region 2W –Pittsburgh, Cleveland
SPECULATIVE SITES Region 3 –Orlando, Jacksonville, Miami Region 4 –Chicago, Milwaukee, Rock River Region 5 –Houston, Dallas, Baton Rouge
SPECULATIVE SITES Region 6N –Seattle, Oregon, Spokane Region 6S –Los Angeles, Orange County
SPECULATIVE SITES Region 7E –Toronto, Hamilton, Peterborough Region 7W –Vancouver, Alberta
SPECULATIVE SITES Region 9N –Mexico –El Salvador, Panama
WORKSHOP SITES Round 2 –Consider sites at workshop next October –Look toward Regions 8 and 10
WHERE DO WE GO NOW? How do you eat an elephant? –One bite at a time –Bring lots of friends