CES 2011 Geneva 11 High Level Group for Strategic Directions in Business Architecture in Statistics Strategic Vision Gosse van der Veen, Statistics Netherlands.


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Presentation transcript:

CES 2011 Geneva 11 High Level Group for Strategic Directions in Business Architecture in Statistics Strategic Vision Gosse van der Veen, Statistics Netherlands

Background Many separate developments related to modernising statistical production Many separate developments related to modernising statistical production − −Groups of ICT specialists and Methodologsts − −Not enough power in the groups to make change really happen − − Not enough coordination

CES 2011 Geneva 3 Background CES Bureau decided top-level coordination needed: HLG -BAS established in 2010 CES Bureau decided top-level coordination needed: HLG -BAS established in 2010 –Create drive from top level management –Information sharing and coordination of developments in CES countries –Advise the Bureau on strategic developments and ensure maximum convergence

CES 2011 Geneva 4 Problem Statement 2008!!

CES 2011 Geneva 5 It means that: the sexy job in the next 10 years will be statistician the sexy job in the next 10 years will be statistician Hal Varian

CES 2011 Geneva 6 Lets add some perspective: The internet has 1800 exabytes of data in 2011 exa = 10^18 NOW IDC/EMC white paper 2008

CES 2011 Geneva EXAbytes in 2020 We live in exponentialtimes 27 fold growth in the next 9 years

CES 2011 Geneva 8 Paradigm shift In 1990 data were scarce, interpretation was readily available In 1990 data were scarce, interpretation was readily available In 2011 data are everywhere, interpretation is scarce In 2011 data are everywhere, interpretation is scarce

CES 2011 Geneva 9 An observation: Our product set remains stable Our product set remains stable

CES 2011 Geneva 10 Another observation: We know little about what is going on at Ebay and other e-commerce sites We know little about what is going on at Ebay and other e-commerce sites

CES 2011 Geneva 11 For statistical organisations there are new challenges

CES 2011 Geneva 12 Product Challenges From surveys to data harvesting From surveys to data harvesting From local to global From local to global From a static product set to a dynamic one From a static product set to a dynamic one Retain the label “official statistics” Retain the label “official statistics”

CES 2011 Geneva 13 Process Challenges From artisanal to industrial standardized production From artisanal to industrial standardized production From content matter knowledge to generic methodologies From content matter knowledge to generic methodologies From IT oriented tools to high level statistical production modules From IT oriented tools to high level statistical production modules From achievable quality to negotiated quality From achievable quality to negotiated quality

CES 2011 Geneva 14 High Level Group Vision: High Level Group Vision: We have to re-invent our products and processes and adapt to a changed world We have to re-invent our products and processes and adapt to a changed world

On Products: Innovate! Address the global dimension – –In the data and in the products We need to learn to find data instead of surveying – –Procurement and harvesting The exponential increase of data is the key: we MUST use those data The exponential increase of data is the key: we MUST use those data

CES 2011 Geneva 16 On Products: Innovate! Take position in the information value chain Take position in the information value chain Rethink our products related to needs of current society Rethink our products related to needs of current society –Who ARE our customers nowadays? –And tomorrow? Create pockets of innovation Create pockets of innovation –nurture talent and create right conditions

CES 2011 Geneva 17 On Process: Industrialise reduce diversity

CES 2011 Geneva 18 On Process: Industrialise Four phases: Four phases: –Product design –Process design –Production –Analysis Plus: professional ad hoc analysis environment Plus: professional ad hoc analysis environment

CES 2011 Geneva 19 On Process: Industrialise Standards save money Standards save money New methods for large volumes of data New methods for large volumes of data Minimise labour, innovate Minimise labour, innovate Collaborate, ease the burden Collaborate, ease the burden

CES 2011 Geneva 20 Vision: Our Challenges Create a culture of change, find the talents in our organisations Create a culture of change, find the talents in our organisations Use the leverage of our official status Use the leverage of our official status Take position in the information value chain Take position in the information value chain Process quality through standardisation Process quality through standardisation

CES 2011 Geneva 21 Conclusion and Pressing Ahead The world is changing profoundly The world is changing profoundly We have to adapt or become obsolete We have to adapt or become obsolete Collaboration and joining forces is vital Collaboration and joining forces is vital Autumn 2011: workshop for group leaders to develop a strategy Autumn 2011: workshop for group leaders to develop a strategy

CES 2011 Geneva 22 Discussion The world is changing Evolution or revolution? Evolution or revolution? What about our product set? What about our product set? What is our role in the digital age? What is our role in the digital age?

CES 2011 Geneva 23 Thank You