Medical Media is a digital engagement platform for Brands to communicate key messages to GPs. Located in the lunch and communal areas of 600 medical centres. Medical Media is Australia’s first and only ambient information channel designed to bridge the communications gap between medical professionals and health related organisations. WHAT IS IT FOR? WHO SEES IT? GPs, Practice Nurse, Receptionists and Practice Managers Treating Nerve Pain in Diabetes Patients LIMITED PHARMA ADVERTISING We limit Pharma advertisers to 20 content positions per month for these reasons: To maximise the visibility of brands that do advertise. So we have ads that appeal to more than GPs
Medical Media incorporates an internal staff notice board and displays relevant information that doctors need: Events Notice of health awareness campaigns Key news items Course notices Data Statistics As well as lighter and engaging content such as: Useful apps Quizzes Tips Quotes Info-graphics HOW IS IT ENGAGING?
AMPLIFY YOUR BRAND If you want to have your key message reinforced, every day, to GPs. If you want to increase GPs re-call of key data and information. If you want to tell GPs what to tell their patients. TARGET YOUR MESSAGE If you want to communicate directly to Practice Managers, every day. If you want to target Rural GPs only. If you want to communicate a different message to GPs in different locations.
AUDIENCE Located in the lunch and communal areas of 600 medical centres, Medical Media displays information that Healthcare Professionals care about, everyday.
Digital Magazine & Education Mobile Friendly Digital Magazine & Newsletters Print Magazines Medical Education & Events Medical Media Medical Centres WHERE DOES IT FIT? Amplify your existing message and capture a daily audience of GPs. The Cirrus Media Healthcare Portfolio can provide your brand with direct access to over 40,000 Health Care Professionals.
PACKAGE ONE 1 Content Page or Ad Advertisement appears in a daily loop continuously. Best For: Reinforce your key message from other channels Timed to run with related healthcare events Brand & product awareness Events & Conferences Equates to: $8.00 per Medical Centre For entire month TOTAL $ 4,800 p/m
PACKAGE TWO 2 Content Page or Ads Advertisement appears in a daily loop continuously. Best For: Key messages plus supporting data Tell GPs what you want them to tell patients Separate long messages into two punchy screens Awareness campaigns with call to action Equates to: $12.80 per Medical Centre For entire month TOTAL $ 7,680 p/m
SPECIFICATIONS Digital ‘Still’ Image Specifications Pixel dimensions: Design art to stand portrait 768 pixels wide x 1366 pixels high Colour Mode: RGB Resolution: 72DPI File: Save as JPEG. Maximum file size is 2MB Other considerations: The font size needs to be much larger when designing for the Tablet. Headlines should be approx. 20pt and up, body should be approx pt. Anything smaller than 14pt will be difficult to read. There is no need for bleed or crop marks. PI Material ‘Tapthrough’ All pharmaceutical advertising must include a ‘tapthrough’ to the full PI. The full PI is to be supplied as a JPEG which is hosted on our server. The advertisement must contain a clear and unambiguous statement for the prescriber to review the Product Information before prescribing. For example: Tap screen to review Product Information before prescribing. NB. As the Campaign is displayed on a Tablet, when the Health Professional taps anywhere on the screen the Product Information will be immediately displayed.
THE POWER OF MEDICAL MEDIA Unprecedented access to Australia’s leading corporate medical centre operators… Effectively communicates with ‘time poor’ health professionals in a solely captive environment. For more information please contact: Operations Manager Phong Do T: Sales Manager Lucie Crotwell T: