Types of evaluation Categorized into four headings based on: Categorized into four headings based on: The nature of measurement The nature of measurement Use in classroom instructions Use in classroom instructions Other terms and instruments of evaluation Other terms and instruments of evaluation
1.The nature of measurement Two categories; Two categories; Maximum performance Determines a person's abilities Determines a person's abilities What the individual can do What the individual can do Tests aptitude and achievement Tests aptitude and achievement Typical performance Reflects person's typical behaviour Reflects person's typical behaviour
contd. Tells what an individual can do Tells what an individual can do Personality appraisals-interests, attitudes etc Personality appraisals-interests, attitudes etc
2. Use in classroom instructions Placement evaluation Pupil’s entry before instruction/ sequence Pupil’s entry before instruction/ sequence Help to find out knowledge, capacity possessed by a pupil Help to find out knowledge, capacity possessed by a pupil Main aim is to find out the level of understanding and apply appropriate mode of instruction to provide optimum achievement Main aim is to find out the level of understanding and apply appropriate mode of instruction to provide optimum achievement
Formative evaluation Evaluation of pupil’s learning progress instruction Evaluation of pupil’s learning progress instruction Monitors learning progress Monitors learning progress Provide continuous feedback – student/teacher Provide continuous feedback – student/teacher Student –reinforcement of successful learning, identification of specific learning errors that needs correction Student –reinforcement of successful learning, identification of specific learning errors that needs correction
contd. Teachers-modifying instruction, for prescribing individual/group remedial work Teachers-modifying instruction, for prescribing individual/group remedial work Needs to test segment wise through tests and observational technique Needs to test segment wise through tests and observational technique
Diagnostic evaluation Evaluation of pupil’s learning difficulties and their causes during instruction Evaluation of pupil’s learning difficulties and their causes during instruction Formulate a plan for remedial action Formulate a plan for remedial action Pupil show persistent difficulties, failure despite use of alternative instruction Pupil show persistent difficulties, failure despite use of alternative instruction Formative provide first aid treatment while diagnostic searches for underlying causes of it Formative provide first aid treatment while diagnostic searches for underlying causes of it
Summative Evaluation Evaluation of pupil’s achievement at the end of instruction Evaluation of pupil’s achievement at the end of instruction To determine the achievement of instructional objectives To determine the achievement of instructional objectives Certify pupil’s mastery of intended learning outcome Certify pupil’s mastery of intended learning outcome It includes teacher made achievement tests, rating and evaluation of products It includes teacher made achievement tests, rating and evaluation of products
3. Method of interpreting the results Criterion-referenced Interpretation of results describing the performance of a pupil in terms of specific behaviour h/she can demonstrate without reference to the performance of others Interpretation of results describing the performance of a pupil in terms of specific behaviour h/she can demonstrate without reference to the performance of others
Norm-referenced Interpretation describes his/her performance in terms of relative position he/she holds in some unknown group Interpretation describes his/her performance in terms of relative position he/she holds in some unknown group Mostly used in standardized test to maximize the differences in performance, thus provide the most reliable ranking and grading Mostly used in standardized test to maximize the differences in performance, thus provide the most reliable ranking and grading
4. Other terms and instruments of evaluation Continuous vs terminal Continuous vs terminal Course work vs examination Course work vs examination Informal vs formal Informal vs formal Internal vs external Internal vs external Convergent vs divergent Convergent vs divergent
Techniques of Evaluation Wide range of techniques available Wide range of techniques available Slection of most appropriate one governed by: Slection of most appropriate one governed by: Purpose Purpose Availability of time and resources Availability of time and resources Age and ability Age and ability Each technique has advantages and disvantages Each technique has advantages and disvantages
Commonly used techniqes Written assessment Written assessment Oral assessment Oral assessment Practical assessment Practical assessment Observational techniques Observational techniques
Written assessment Includes open ended-more writing than reading to closed response – more reading than writing tests Includes open ended-more writing than reading to closed response – more reading than writing tests Levels of questioning, testing strategies, question paper format need to be considered Levels of questioning, testing strategies, question paper format need to be considered
Oral assessment Reading becomes listening, writing becomes speaking Reading becomes listening, writing becomes speaking Stage management is important Stage management is important Time consuming, less reliable than written Time consuming, less reliable than written Also lacks validity if not used throughout the course Also lacks validity if not used throughout the course
Practical assessment Concerned with presentation of problems and with provision of opportunities for students suggest and justify solutions to these problems Concerned with presentation of problems and with provision of opportunities for students suggest and justify solutions to these problems Used wherever written or oral assessment are not possible Used wherever written or oral assessment are not possible Demands the use of psychomotor skills Demands the use of psychomotor skills
Observational techniques Difficult to make systematic and meaningful observation Difficult to make systematic and meaningful observation Sometime it can be used-’face is the window to mind’ Sometime it can be used-’face is the window to mind’ Some conclusion can be drawn about what the pupil is thinking based on what he/she is doing Some conclusion can be drawn about what the pupil is thinking based on what he/she is doing