Informatics and Health Care Delivery
“In the hands of healers, the laser technology invented by physicist Theodore H. Maiman has made surgery more precise and much safer.
In the hands of the military, it has made weapons of mass-albeit more targeted- destruction.
Technology-its sometimes good, sometimes bad, but usually a combination of both.” (Simpson, 2004)
Core Measures Project: A set of quality indicators that are reported publicly and impact patient care.
Core Measures Project: Improvement depends on real- time concurrent review.
Core Measures Project: Point is to improve care right now, while the patient can benefit.
Core Measures Project: Chart review in a pen-and-ink system can be so difficult as to be impossible to do concurrently.
Core Measures Project: A clinical informatics system allows evaluation of care as it happens.
Core Measures Project: Core Measures Resource Nurse. Chosen for clinical experience. Reviews appropriate cases concurrently. Meet Jack.
Jack is a registered nurse. His career spans nearly three decades of health care delivery. His job would not be possible without the use of informatics. And this is why……..
Core Measures Project: Key clinical information is accessible from anywhere.
Core Measures Project Information obtained from patient documentation is assessed for accuracy, completeness, and appropriate delivery. If items such as immunizations or other care have been missed, or are late, immediate intervention can correct the oversight before the patient leaves the institution.
Core Measures Project: Advice, coaching, teaching, correction is done immediately.
Core Measures Project: Optimal care is implemented immediately resulting in improved compliance and happier, safer patients.
Direct patient care isn’t the only area informatics has an important influence on.
Case Management: Utilizes informatics to assess for patient’s resources, provide insurance companies with information on severity of illness, assists patients thru the continuum of care effectively and fiscally responsibly.
Meet Trina, Case Manager.
What A Case Manager Does Performs an initial assessment including patient’s current health status and resources. Works with a multidisciplinary team to develop a safe and effective discharge plan. Works with physicians and insurance companies to facilitate hospital reimbursement for services provided.
The Impact of Informatics on Case Management “Informatics improves the flow of information from payer sources to health care services in a quick and effective manner. Without informatics there would be a delay in delivery of services and appropriate discharge planning. Informatics provides a large amount of information quickly to many services involved in health care delivery.” Trina, RN, CCM
From Health Care institution entry to discharge: Informatics tracks patient information Informatics documents delivery of services and care Informatics manages payment for services
Informatics has become an important tool in the delivery of health care. Without it………. PANIC!!!! Well, maybe not panic. But Informatics certainly gives the Profession of Nursing an opportunity to shine.
Reference Simpson, R. (2004, April). Nursing informatics. Global informing: impact and implications of technology in a global marketplace. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 28(2), Retrieved February 22, 2009, from CINAHL with Full Text database. Special thanks to: Jack Aman, RN, Trina Brockett, RN, CCM, AND Joseph Higgens, RN (Nursing Informatisist Extraordinaire)