Democracy in a Modern Age A.The U.S. Writes a Constitution B.Setup of the U.S. Constitution C.Influences of the Constitution
A. The U.S. Writes a Constitution The United States once were just 13 colonies that belonged to England.
In 1776, the American colonies began a revolution to protest the violation of their rights. Their main complaint was being taxed without representation.
The American colonists won the revolution
They then established a democratic government Wrote a document called the Constitution which outlined this government.
The U.S. Constitution was written in 1787 It established a long lasting republic B.The U.S. Constitution
To make sure there would not be a tyranny of a few they established: –A federal system “Federalism” proposed by James Madison – Balance of power, divided the power between national (central) & state governments –Elected representatives
Separation of Power Balanced the power by creating three separate branches
C.The Bill of Rights First 10 amendments (add-ons) of the Constitution Guaranteed basic rights of the people Anti-Federalists insisted these be added or the Constitution would not be ratified Borrowed ideas from the English Bill of Rights and from Enlightenment thinkers
D.Influences The U.S. Constitution will inspire other countries in Europe and Latin America to overthrow their monarchies and establish democracies
France, for example, will have a revolution begin the same year our Constitution went into effect.