Early History of Europe Home of first democracy Roman Empire developed democratic republican ideals over time as well as leaving behind many cultural aspects including relion, language, and architecture. Christian Church has been a moral compass throughout Europe’s history.
Modern History After World War II, Europe was split into East and West. Eastern Europe was run by the communist Soviet Union and Western Europe was dominated by a democratic governments Germany was split into Eastern and Western Germany. Berlin Wall is erected to split the communist east from the deomcratice west. Germany is reunified in 1990, when the Soviet Union “falls” (government collapses)
The European Union Started with 6 countries after World War II (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands) Further expansion in the 1960’s and 70’s. The European Union: Eliminates quotas and tariffs Integrates (unites) European economies Promotes economic unity Creates a borderless continent as EU citizens may travel freely between member states Has a common currency, the Euro Has 28 member states
Why do you think Turkey is not a member of the European Union? This about its geography when answering the above question.
NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization Started after WWII to act as a military police force to protect Western Europe from communist aggression. US and Canada are members Mission has focused to general peacekeeping missions and military operation around the world as determined by member states Still resented by Russia. Why do you think this is?
Languages Families of Europe Latin has had the greatest impact of the vocabulary across European Languages North and North Western Europe is predominatnly Germanic speaking German, English, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian etc. South and Southwestern Europe is predominantly Romance and Latin Speaking Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese Eastern Europe is Slavic Speaking Polish, Czech, Slovak, Slovenian etc.
Minority Language Groups Albanian Turkish Greek Finnish Baltic Languages Gaelic Languages-Irish, Scots, Welsh etc.
Imperialism and Colonialism “The sun never sets on the British Empire” European monarchs as early as the 15 th century began funding exploration of the New World Imperialism’s focus it to secure natural resources as the y most often exploit the people and the territory they come into contact with. Colonialism includes many of the elements of imperialisms with the additional idea of creating permanent colonies of Europeans to control new assets. The wealth provided funding and a power conflict between European Monarchs in particular led to wars home and abroad Diffused European culture, specifically, language and religion around the world.
Economies of Europe Predominantly MDC countries Many High Tech firms operate throughout the continent Many countries in Eastern Europe have lower standards of living due to their once communist control!