By: Joanna and Lexxe buxton/
Founded by Reverend William King in 1849 Established as a safe place for escaped slaves, slaves would be protected by the British government Most successful African-American settlement in Canada West /
Buxton was first shared by Reverend King, 15 slaves King had inherited through his wife, and 6 newly escaped slaves. By the 1860s, the population reached a height of 2,000 people. Economically, Buxton was self-sufficient
The hardwork and determination of newly freed slaves The strict set of rules set by William King The settlement was organized. Education was maintained and pride was established.
Opened in 1850 Gained such an amazing reputation that white people withdrew their children from government schools and sent them to school in Buxton Native Canadian children also attended the school es/north_buxton_school_image.html
1. “No liquor allowed on the settlement 2. Land only could be sold to blacks and had to remain in their hands for 10 years 3. Land had to be purchased not leased 4. Each house had to be built at least by 24 by 18 by 12 with a porch across the front 5. Each house had to be built 33 ft from the road with a picket fence and flower garden in front. Prizes were given for the best looking home.”
Curtis, Christopher Paul. Elijah of Buxton. New York: Scholastic, Print. History: The Elgin Settlement - Africans - Explore the Communities - The Kids' Site of Canadian Settlement - Library and Archives Canada." Welcome to the LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA Website | Bienvenue Au Site Web BIBLIOTHÈQUE ET ARCHIVES CANADA. 9 Sept Web. 18 May