Good afternoon!! 1.If you missed the Unit 2 test…you need to take it ASAP 2.Take out a piece of paper 3. Sit down quietly YOUR PROJECT IS DUE TODAY!!!!!!
Use your brain to define or write the description for the following terms… Allah Muhammad Islam Muslim Hajj Sunni Shi’a
Basics Islam is the RELIGION and Muslims are the PEOPLE Only 1/5 of Muslims are Arabs QURAN (or KORAN): Muslim holy book Muslims are monotheistic and worship the same one God as Christians and Jews. Allah, Yahweh, God MOSQUE: a Islamic place of worship 5 Pillars:
In Mecca during the pilgrimage /watch?v=q7q_LcqbvKI
Mosque in Medina, Saudi Arabia
Mohammed Ali mosque, Cairo, Egypt
Blue Mosque (Sultan Ahmet Mosque), Istanbul Turkey 34
Interior of the Blue Mosque
Dome of a mosque, Esfahan, Iran 36
Mosque in Djenne, Mali (West Africa)
North African mosque tunis.htm 39
Indonesian mosque
Mosque in Tempe, Arizona
Relations to other religions? Acknowledges Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Jesus, John the Baptist, and others as the “the good prophets of God” A special place for Jesus and Mary Accepts that Mary’s conception is from God’s soul. Rejects the divinity of Jesus (no trinity).
571Muhammad born in Mecca. 610 First revelation in the Harraa cave (27 Ramadan). 613Muhammad starts to preach; Arabs fear monotheism 622 “Hijrah” or Escape. Muhammad and followers escape prosecution and go to Almadinah (Yathrib). MEDINA Timeline of Events
629 Muhammad conquers Mecca peacefully (NO REVENGE) destroys idols in Ka’aba. brings peace to war-torn Arabia Ummah “Community” 632 Muhammad dies in Medina. Unmarked grave (his will)
Islam had reached the entire Arabian Peninsula by the death of Mohammed in 632 AD When conquering territories People of the book did not have to covert and could hold high ranks in the world of Islam. Extent of Islam at death of Muhammad Who are “People of the Book”???
Muhammad’s Successors Spread Islam What do we do next? – No named successor Election: Abu Bakr – First Caliph “successor” (leader of Islam) Three more: Umar, Uthman, and Ali Things start to go wrong = jihad Expansion occurs after Bakr is dead By 750 (page 261) 6,000 miles – Muslim success: weak surroundings and persecuted victims, tax Tolerance for people of the book
Yrs after Mohammed
Split of Islam Sunni- Believed the community should select Muhammad's successor. – 83% of Muslims Shi’a- Believed a family member, Ali, who was married to Muhammad's daughter, Fatimah should be the first caliph: spiritual head of Islam. – Today Shi’a is mainly in Iran (90%), Iraq (55%) and Lebanon (~40%) sunnis-vs-shiites/
Sea – Med. Sea – Indian Ocean Land – Silk Roads Arabic & Dinar – Sakk = check (banks)
Good afternoon! Take out your notes from yesterday! Turn in your projects if you did not turn it in yesterday!!!!!!!!!!! On your paper, answer the following… –List the 5 Pillars of Faith –Who was the founder of Islam? –_______ is the religion; ________ are the people. –What are the two sects or groups of Islam called?
Thinkers Ibn Sina (980 AD)- Wrote medical texts like- The Book of Healing & The Canon of Medicine- became standard medical texts for Europe. Ibn Battuta (1304) – Traveler and scholar. Traveled a much larger area than Marco Polo.
Ibn Battuta Document Analysis
Ibn Sina Reading and Timeline
Last Ten -FYI – By 636 CE Muslims had captured the holy land (?) – was ruled by Byzantine (Eastern Orthodox) …. What is going to happen??? -CCWH – IslamCCWH – Islam