Association Progetto Persona has been engaged in the prevention and care of Youth Uneasiness and in the promotion and enhancement of the Individual since 1996.
Two distinct fields of intervention: Youth Uneasiness and the uneasiness of all the adults related with the youth – parents, teachers etc.
Counselling and psychological individual support for the youth; Educational Paths for Youth Group; Short- time interventions, addressed to the youth’s uneasiness and misbehaviour – usually pointed out by teachers and/or parents - in schools of various grade and order; A CTIVITIES
Classroom active presence; Daily presence at home, addressed to children with distressful family situations; Group Baby- sitting services, during evening Training; Meetings for parents; Counselling Point “Guess who’s talking” to offer active listening and a qualified counselling service; A CTIVITIES
(A DULT ’ S ) A CTIVITIES Psychological support and counselling, held by psychologists and voluntary operators – for parents; Short cycles of informative-training meetings within kindergarten, primary and secondary schools; Counselling Point “ I’m in it, too!”, at some Local authority Board in province of Treviso;
V OLUNTEERS ’ L IFELONG T RAINING All voluntary members of Associazione Progetto Persona have been actively involved (any 15 days) in a personal lifelong training and learning path, addressed both at their being volunteers and at their being individuals
T ERRITORIAL DIFFUSION The Association has been gradually and steadily integrating within different provincial local realities, creating a net of collaborations and links with a number of Local School Boards, single schools of different grade, Local Authorities, parishes and, above all, a great deal of families
A GREEMENTS AND P ARTNERSHIPS Since 2002 the Association has been on an operative partnership with O.F.B - Onlus Francesco Brancaleone, in Naples; Since 2003 the Association has been a chosen centre for pre-/post-training practice for students from Padua University; Since 2006 the Association is strictly collaborating with P ARADOXA Centre in Treviso;
F RAMEWORK OF R EFERENCE Existential Analysis; Costructivism and Social Constructionism; Symbolic Interactivism; G. Kelly, P. Watzlawick, E. Goffman, J. Bruner e K. Gergen;