Creation of large nation states led to conflicts among them. Thus the 16 th century was a period of almost constant general warfare. Wars were fought to further the CROWN vs. for the interests of the people….thus the title DYNASTIC STRUGGLES/WARS
France vs. the Hapsburg empire, but the wars took place in France. Austrian Hapsburgs (yellow), Spanish Hapsburgs (red), stripes territories lost prior to 1700.
Rivalries among larger Italian city-states was the perfect place for European monarchs to fight. France and Spain both had legitimate claims to Naples. I 1494, Charles VIII (France) aided Milan and overthrew the Medici in Florence and seized the crown of Naples. Ferdinand (Spain) and Charles VIII decided to split Naples between them, but Spain betrayed France and took Naples for themselves.
Time moved on and the new French King (Francis I) and the new Spanish King (Charles V) were already rivals because of the betrayal over Milan. When Charles V’s grandfather died in 1519, both monarchs began fighting to succeed him. Charles V won and inherited the HRE, but his authority was limited by the German Princes; France responded by invading Milan (which was under the protection of the Holy Roman Empire)
Charles V was determined to aid Milan when they asked. He found an ally in Henry VIII (England) who wanted to reconquer France and make a name for himself. Henry VIII staged an invasion in Northern France, while Spain and Germany (part of the HRE) went to dislodge France from Italy. Francis I was captured at the Battle of Pavia. Charles V seemed to be the Master of Europe and Henry VIII wanted him to invade France…
However, Charles V was being threatened on all sides and couldn’t afford a war in France. Protestants and Princes threatened in the HRE (German lands), the Ottoman Turks threatened him in the HRE (Austria/Hungary lands) His goal was to reach an agreement with the captured Francis I, but his agreement led to 30 more years of war. – Burgundy had to be returned to Spain – France had to recognize Spanish rule in Naples. – France had to recognize Spanish conquest of Navarre – Francis I had to marry Charles V’s sister – Francis I had to leave his 7 and 8 year old sons as hostage with Charles V. This was called the Treaty of Madrid
Francis I returned home and immediately renounced the Treaty. Henry VIII switched sides and Suleiman the Magnificent (Ottoman Turks) allied with him. – He divided Hungary in half when he invaded – Charles V’s unpaid German mercenaries sacked Rome in 1527 and captured the Pope. – 1557 France and Spain have to declare bankruptcy. – Treaty of Cateau- Cambresis brought an end to 60 years of war.