Periods 1.Used at the end of declarative and imperative sentences 2.Used after most abbreviations and after initials in a name Examples: 1.I received an invitation to the grand opening. (declarative sentence) 2.Come with me and see what it’s like. (imperative sentence) 3.Its address is 1300 E. Bristol Ave.
Commas are used 1.To separate items in a series 2.To set off parts of dates, addresses, and place names 3.To separate words used in direct address 4.After yes or no when they begin a sentence 5.To set off a long introductory phrase or an introductory adverb clause 6.To separate the clauses of a compound sentence connected by a coordinating conjunction 7.To separate a nonrestrictive clause from the rest of the sentence 8.To set off a direct quotation or parts of a divided quotation
Volcanoes are described as active, dormant, or extinct. (series) Mount Vesuvius, near Naples, Italy, erupted in (set off places) Halloween was on Saturday, October 31, (set off parts of dates) Mike, you can get information about Holy Angels School by ing the office. (direct address) Yes, workbook page 142 is homework tonight. (after yes/no)