Reflections on the Current Online English Education in China Xu Lixin, School of English and International Studies, BFSU
Abstract The paper analyzes and compares the online English education and the English education offered in English departments in China, so that the harsh reality of the online education programs could be explored and understood, on which the online educators need to base their education principles in the whole educating process. The paper also investigates the curriculum, lecturing styles, and student achievement and perception of a certain course (Language and Linguistics), with an aim of catching the most salient features of the current program against the background of the most urgent requirements of the online English education learners and teachers. \ The paper discusses the large discrepancy between the education reality and the learner expectation and how that will bear on the overall satisfaction and the contribution online education brings to China’s education when there is a shortfall of educational resources in the country. Finally the paper presents some specific suggestions for improving the current English education offered.
I.Online English Education as Compared with Other Forms of Education in China
II. A Convenience Survey 1. Overall Curriculum 2. Face-to-Face Tutorial Styles 3. Language and Linguistics
III. Discussion 1. Learning Opportunities 2. Personal Touch 3. Tutor and Support Competency 4. Lecturing/tutoring Style 5. The course of linguistics 6. The policy of separation of teaching from exams
IV. Conclusion What is available needs to be available to online learners Such requires a redefined tutor role and support staff role Language and Linguistics is not terribly helpful Online learning as a new model of education requires creative thinking and drastic changes in what we provide.
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