Welcome Back! Mrs. Henry English 10: Honors
Coursework Theme-Based Syllabus (online) Major Works: Lord of the Flies, Julius Caesar, Paradise Lost, Things Fall Apart, Antigone, Fahrenheit 451, Heart of Darkness Also Covered: Assorted short stories, poems, essays, articles, etc.. Writing Concentration MCAS
Grading Essays/Tests: 40% Literature Quizzes: 30% Participation: 10% Classwork/Homework: 10% Vocabulary Quizzes: 10%
Homework Mostly ungraded reading, corresponding writing assignments, and a little active reading A.R: Plot, character development, theme development, symbol tracking, questions, new vocab, etc… Late homework will not be accepted!
Absences/Make-up Work Missed assignments are your responsibility. Includes: quizzes, tests, homework, classwork Ask at appropriate times (break, end) Per school rules, you have two days to make up missed work. I will follow an “every Friday” rule. You are guaranteed one week to make up work. Each Friday, work will be handed back to students. Work can not be made up once it has been handed back.
Essays One essay per novel Deadlines: There is a letter grade deduction for every DAY that an essay/project is late, EVEN IF OUR CLASS DOES NOT MEET THAT DAY. If you have special circumstances, see me. One rewrite is allowed for every assigned essay. This policy does not apply if the original essay was turned in late. A rewrite must be turned in by the due date to be counted.
Essays One Day Policy: If you have a question regarding a piece of graded writing, please wait 24 hours to discuss it with me. This will give you a chance to review your work and focus your questions.
Participation Includes: being active in class discussion, advocating for yourself if you are struggling, utilizing extra help sessions if necessary, and completion of required and graded elements. Entertain and offer new and contrary ideas Keep an open mind
Classroom Procedures When the bell rings, sit down. Take out your materials. Quiet down.
Opening Prompts See projector for day’s opening writing prompt Grading Rubric: complete, thoughtful, demonstrates effort When done put in writing folder. Writing folder is collected and graded at end of each term See prompt binder if absent