by: Ashley Morgan
Gulf War Iraq needed money so they invaded Kuwait. The United Nations did not like this. The United Nations bombed Iraq and then a month later they ground-attacked them and retook possession of Kuwait. Rwanda In Rwanda there was an ethnic conflict between the Hutu and the Tutsi. Due to this conflict 500,000 died. Bosnian War In Yugoslavia ethnic conflict occurred here as well between the Serbs, Croats and Muslims. Yugoslavia was eventually broken up. Struggles for power and control between the ethnic groups led to ethnic cleansing (population transfer).
In 1990 the average income per year was $28, Nokia Mobile with Battery $ Microwave $ Potatoes $1.99 for 10 lbs. Lazy Boy Recliner $
In the nineties, the fashion was casual and comfortable. Overalls, flannel shirts, neon color clothing, leather jackets, baggy jeans, and baby doll shirts were very popular.
1990 Ford Mustang Convertible $14, Average car cost $16,000.00
Some 1990 fads included Pokémon, push pops, pogs, clackers, spandex shorts, tamagotchi, and the Macarena.
Many TV. shows were big in the 1990’s. Rugrats were a big TV. show for children. Other included Law & Order, Power Rangers, and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
Cell phones started to become very popular in the 90’s as well the game boy. The 90's also saw the development and growth of Genetic engineering In 1991 when the WWW first became available for the public it grew dramatically with users multiplying at the rate of about 3500 times a year.
There were many popular toys in the 1990’s. Some in which included G.I. Joe, Bop it, trolls, and many others.