Teacher Tube launched on March 6 th Jason Smith, a teacher with 14 years of experience created Teacher Tube. The purpose of Teacher Tube was to fill a need for a more educationally focused, safe venue for teachers, schools, and home learners.
Teacher Tube is free for everyone. First, go to TeacherTube.com Secondly, Create a free account. ( located at the top right of the page) When creating an account, you will need to provide an accurate address. And create a username and password. Lastly, begin browsing.
- Teacher tube is available for anyone to use. An account only needs to be created if you want to upload and share videos. - To begin viewing videos, type in a phrase or a key word that describes what your looking to find. You will type this is the “Browse” section.
Start browsing.. Located at the top of the page… 1. Home 2. Members 3. Videos 4. Docs 5. Audio 6. Photos 7. Channels 8. Community 9. Upload
Members- The members button allows you to see everyone that has an account on Teacher Tube and the number of videos they have posted. If you click on a members profile, you can send them a message with any questions or comments about their videos, etc. Video- A shortcut to find, featured videos, recently added, most viewed, top rated, most discussed, most favorite, most linked, and most responded. Channels- This shortcut allows you to search all related videos and news clips on specific topics, such as, High School, Elementary or Middle, Science, tutorials, fine arts, writing, math, and special education. Dashboard- This special feature provides shortcuts and stats based on your profile history. – Videos that you have posted, favorites, friends, and videos viewed.
Uploading a Video takes a few simple steps. 1. Create an album name, or add the upload to an existing album. 2. Create a Title 3. Description- Words that will help the search engine locate your video when someone is browsing. 4. Video Category. – What category does the video fall under in the educational field. ( Science, Math, Writing. Etc) 5. Type- This is an important feature. Who can see your video? Two choices, Private or Public. A private Video is only viewable by you and members that you choose. A public video is shared with the world. 6. Allowing comments or ratings. Then.. Upload a Video. Videos have to be reviewed before others are allowed to view the content. Can take up to 24 hours to post.