Warm Up Timeline: Rows next to the center aisle: What Railroad was first to connect East to West in the U.S.A.? Middle aisles: What issues were the cause of the Great Railroad Strike? Wall aisle: What RR was completed that connected East to West in Canada? s. 3; DOK: 1-2; LT: The learner will be able to name 3 prominent people and inventions of the era. US History August 27, 2013
Checking in…with sticks Which Time Zones had most RR in 1890? In which Time Zone did RR grow the most between ? s. 3; DOK: 1-2; LT: The learner will be able to name 3 prominent people and inventions of the era.
Survey: Chapter 6 Section 1 Take 5 minutes to survey and make a list on the right-hand side of the paper. There should be at least 7 items listed. s. 3; DOK: 1-2; LT: The learner will be able to name 3 prominent people and inventions of the era.
Cornell Notes: cpt 6 section 1 s. 3; DOK: 1-2; LT: The learner will be able to name 3 prominent people and inventions of the era. Life Before the Civil War: No indoor electric lights, use the sun No refrigeration, use ice and sawdust if you have money for it Mail East to Midwest: 10 days; to West: 3 weeks; months from Europe Patent and Trademark Office: patents from ; 500,000 from ~Typewriter ~Telephone ~Phonograph Standard of Living (S.O.L.) high! Productivity increased!
Energy changes Oil: Drake in Titusville, PA Drill? You are crazy! Skeptical It’s a new idea! Cheaper and more efficient way to get oil! We like the old way: melting whale fat or digging and waiting to seep it to the top It took 1 year to get money and build the steam powered engine, equipment Led to oil refineries to make kerosene, throw gas away until 1880s with cars s. 3; DOK: 1-2; LT: The learner will be able to name 3 prominent people and inventions of the era.
Self Check, write ? On the left, answer on the right…2 minutes What were the benefits of Drake’s new method of oil extraction? Answer here in your own words… Cheaper and more efficient method! Lowers cost s. 3; DOK: 1-2; LT: The learner will be able to name 3 prominent people and inventions of the era.
Electricity and Edison Got a $40,000 bonus at 23 years old and walked away Goal: replace dangerous oil lamps Need a glowing material for the glass bulb Bamboo filter IDEA: central power station (not individually generating, by 1890 electricity was happening ~ CHANGES and improvements: -Latimer improved filament -Westinghouse improved with an alternating current- cheaper and travel longer distances
Self check Main Idea of last slide: A) Edison’s inventions created availability of cheap power, revolutionizing American life. B) Edison was a genius with no formal education. C) Later inventors improved on Edison’s ideas. D) Edison invented light bulb and phonograph.
Self check Main Idea of last slide: A) Edison’s inventions created availability of cheap power, revolutionizing American life. B) Edison was a genius with no formal education. C) Later inventors improved on Edison’s ideas. D) Edison invented light bulb and phonograph.
Changes: not equal between Rural and Urban, rich and poor… Electricity caused: s. 3; DOK: 1-2; LT: The learner will be able to name 3 prominent people and inventions of the era. Improved productivity Transformed nature of workplace Electric sewing machine: ready made clothing increased, more clothing, less time =less cost to buy creating more jobs, especially immigrants, women and children Refrigerator! Less food spoilage, no more smoking and salting food
Communications! Telegraphy: Morse perfected it and patented it, the code… s. 3; DOK: 1-2; LT: The learner will be able to name 3 prominent people and inventions of the era.
Telephone: Alexander Graham Bell: 1871 Teacher from Scotland, hearing impaired, talking telegraph at age 29 Switchboard operators
Railroads! s. 3; DOK: 1-2; LT: The learner will be able to name 3 prominent people and inventions of the era. Problems before the Civil War: No standard track No width of gauge rules No signals Brakes…right… After the Civil War: Transcontinental RR Investors back out when there is no settlement, so the government steps in: good because it boosts industry; bad because they are not as efficiently run as those without govt. aid.
Exit Name 3 prominent people of the era. Name 3 important inventions of the era.