Historical Earthquakes By: Lina Cala
Main Points… The Ring of Fire. Show maps. Important earthquakesEmphasis on the Chilean earthquake. Table Facts of other earthquakes Security preventions for an earthquake.
The Ring of Fire Common earthquake zone. Encircles Pacific Ocean 40,000 km long 90% of earthquakes of whole earth occur there.
… Ring of Fire earthquake animation
Table … Historical Earthquakes in the 20th - 21stcentury Location of earthquakeMagnitude (Mw)DeathsImportant Facts Chile9,5about 5,000largest in the world Alaska, United States9,2 largest in the United States Assam, India8,6 Yungay, Peru7,6 -7,8more than 67,000 China8,7100 Izmit and Istanbul, Turkey7,417000many more injured Gujarat, India7,920000Making more than a million homeless Western Iran injured people
Chilean Earthquake World´s largest earthquake. May 21, Coastal villages disappeared. Earthquake caused tsunami.
… Pictures
Alaska, United States Where more earthquakes occur in the United States. Destroyed coastal towns. Death and destruction, Hawaii and Canada.
Preventions Whistle Water Lantern Pay attention to earthquake centers for any abnormalities.