© GEO Secretariat Demonstrating GEO’s Added Value -- Challenges and Opportunities Barbara J. Ryan Director, GEO Secretariat Work Plan Symposium Geneva, Switzerland 4 June 2013
U.S. Department of State Washington DC 31 July 2003 The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Earth Observation Summit
To realize a future wherein decisions and actions, for the benefit of humankind, are informed by coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observations and information. GEO Vision
To realize a future wherein decisions and actions, for the benefit of humankind, are informed by coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observations and information. GEO Vision
Improve and Coordinate Observation Systems Advance Broad Open Data Policies/Practices Foster Increased Use of EO Data and Information Build Capacity GEO Objectives
Created in 2005, to develop a coordinated and sustained Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) to enhance decision making in nine Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs) GEO today: 90 Members 67 Participating Organizations
© GEO Secretariat 67 Participating Organizations
GEO Plenary (Nov. 2012, Brazil) approved private sector involvement. The private sector includes commercial companies, foundations, development banks – i.e. any non- governmental entities. Commercial companies working along the entire value chain – data providers, value-added information products and services, and downstream (SBA) users. Broadening Stakeholder Engagement
A Global, Coordinated, Comprehensive and Sustained System of Observing Systems
Advances in Global and Regional Weather Forecasts
Argo has contributed to 70% decrease of the salinity 7-day error forecast in the top 100m of the ocean. Salinity observation minus model forecast for the MyOcean Mercator Ocean global ocean reanalysis (Benkiran et al., 2012)
Monthly Wheat Prices Nominal wheat price in US $/Metric Ton 2008 Price hikes Droughts: Australia & Ukraine 2010/11 Price hikes Drought: Russia Landsat 1 Launched (1972) 1971/2’s price hike Today 3x Source: World Bank
Aggregation of Wheat Production Forecasts from Main Wheat Export Countries vs. International Market Price Production Forecasts (1,000 MT) Price ($/Ton) Making the case for improved crop forecasts
GEOSS Implementation requires: Data Sharing Principles Full and Open Exchange of Data Data and Products at Minimum Time delay and Minimum Cost Free of Charge or Cost of Reproduction
Interoperability Brokers
Introduction of the Brokering approach
Progress against the objectives must be illustrated: Improve and Coordinate Observation Systems Advance Broad Open Data Policies/Practices Foster Increased Use of EO Data and Information Build Capacity Additional attention on in situ observations and coordination called for Downscaling from global to regional and/or national GEOs is needed Broad, open data policies are needed for global transparency, environmental accounting, and economic development Policy linkages must be strengthened for decisons and actions to be effected Summary
Participating Organizations are an unique aspect of GEO, particularly from a coordination perspective Emerging engagement with private sector, foundations and development banks should enhance GEOSS implementation Next 3 days – let’s focus on the presentations with an eye toward articulating the added value of the effort (with the perspective of someone new to GEO) and the potential policy linkage or mandate (with the perspective of a senior executive/minister). Summary, cont.
Barbara Ryan