EndNote EndNote - for bibliographies Purchase Student version at bookstore ($109) OR Download free 30 day trial version from
Your Homework References Turn in your references as an EndNote library to the drop box for class: \\masterhit\instructional ICS280 Please do this for the references already turned in too.
ISR EndNote Library Use the existing ISR EndNote Library and the ISR Style. Both are on the ISR server. If the paper you found for the assignment is already in the database, that’s ok. Copy the entry into your database to be turned in each week. We will update the ISR EndNote database with new entries weekly and inform you when the updated database is on the server.
Getting the ISR Library and Style In a browser, go to: Login: ics280, Password: ics280 Download the ISR EndNote Library and ISR Style file. Put the ISR style file with the other style files provided by EndNote.
ISR Style In EndNote, choose ISR Style as your output style. When making an EndNote entry: Enter Author names one per line as Last Name, First Name or Last Name, First Initial Note: for Prof. André van der Hoek, enter as Hoek, André v.d. For the Year enter only the year For the Date enter only the month and days (not the year) For Page numbers, just enter the numbers (e.g ). Don’t include abbreviations such as p. pp. pgs. etc. Enter papers presented at a conference as a Conference Proceedings. For the Conference, just enter the conference name, not “Proceedings of …” Treat workshop papers as conference papers.
Keywords and Commentary When making an EndNote entry: Enter your keywords in Keywords Format is flexible: can be one per line, all in a line, comma separated list. Enter your comments in Notes
Contact info If you have EndNote questions, please feel free to contact me: Debra Brodbeck x4-2260