What are the Possible Effects of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa?
Number of days the competition lasts0 Number of teams competing in the tournament31 Number of stadiums being used6.1 billion Combined amount of money invested into South Africa by FIFA and South Africa (in dollars) 32 The expected worldwide TV audience (total for the whole competition). 48 Number of times the World Cup has been held in Africa10 The percentage of people in South Africa living in poverty26 billion The 2010 South Africa World Cup in Numbers
32 different countries
10 stadiums
A combined worldwide TV audience of 26 billion
Number of days the competition lasts31 Number of teams competing in the tournament32 Number of stadiums being used10 Combined amount of money invested into South Africa by FIFA and South Africa (in dollars) 6.1 billion The expected worldwide TV audience (total for the whole competition). 26 billion Number of times the World Cup has been held in Africa0 The percentage of people in South Africa living in poverty48
Task To use Google Earth to find out about each of the different possible effects of the World Cup: Double click on the person you want to research in the side bar. Once you have zoomed into the person click on them again to open up their information and photograph. Decide if this is a positive or negative effect Record down key pieces of information from the text such as facts and figures to describe the effect
Google Earth Instructions Go to >> Start >>Shared Documents >>Geography >>Year 7 World Cup 2010 >>Google Earth File
1) Turn off everything but Borders and labels, 3D buildings and Terrain in layers Double click on the person you want to visit
Find Benny! Read through his statement-is this a positive or a negative effect? How do you know? What could we write in our table? Construction and improvement of the stadiums has employed thousands of people.
Task To use Google Earth to find out about each of the different possible effects of the World Cup: Double click on the person you want to research in the side bar. Once you have zoomed into the person click on them again to open up their information and photograph. Decide if this is a positive or negative effect Record down key pieces of information from the text such as facts and figures to describe the effect
Categorise each of the effects into social, economic and environmental effects. Social effects: when something effects people and their quality of life Environmental effects: the environment, animals and their habitats Economic effects: peoples’ jobs, the amount they earn and how much they have to spend
To What Extent Do You Think The 2010 World Cup in South Africa Will Have a Positive or Negative Effect and Why?