France 2013
General Fundraiser Information The 2011 trip was the first year that we were permitted to do fundraising. Travelers are NOT required to fundraise. Participation is optional. Fundraising is open to ADULTS and STUDENTS. Individual sales = INDIVIDUAL PROFIT—money raised by individual sales are NOT shared with the group. Group events = shared profit, divided equally amongst participants.
Fundraiser Analysis Amount soldProfit Flower bulbs(40%) Yankees Tickets Rec Center Dance (after for reimbursing supplies) Car Wash Pirate’s Day (sold pretzels, candy & drinks) Cookie Dough (40%) Yankee Candles (40% + shipping fee) Five Below Easter Candy (43%) Sweet Jenny’s BURNED DOWN BEFORE WE RECEIVED OUR MONEY 0 Total Amount Raised Fundraisers done separately (participants kept their money and did not report to us) Candy Bars---do this possibly through purchase at BJ’s or Costco on an individual basis. I am looking into dealing directly with Hershey Company for this. Scratch Off Tickets---not doing this again!!
Fundraiser results 2011 Top Fundraiser: Alyson H.: $ * Alyson also sold an additional $400 in candy bars from BJ’s or Costco. Her total was approximately $1400 in total funds raised. Ryan : $ Tori : $ Lexi:$ * this amount does NOT included candy bars sold or scratch off ticket booklets, whose sales were done separate from the group. All participants did NOT necessarily participate in ALL fundraising events. Alyson participated in ALL.
Actual Individual Fundraiser Tally/Breakdown FundraiserTotal SoldIndividual Profit Flower bulbs Overall June Breakdown Rec dance Bus Cost$1, NYY Raffle BHS Dress Down Day Fundraiser (June) ($160.00) Car Wash 8/ New total$1, Payment 9/14 (494.81) Bus Per Person$55.00 Pirate's Day Cookie Dough Tour guide & bus driver Tips$2, Yankee Candle Tips Per Person$63.00 Payment 2/7 (316.25) Five Below 5.13 Total Due Prior to departure for bus & Tips (w/o last 2 fundraisers) $ Easter Candy Total Bus & TipOVERPAID70.53 To NETC(70.53)
Preliminary Plans for 2013 FUNDRAISERDATESPROFIT Flower bulbs ORDER TAKER Tonight (2/8)-February 20 50% Easter Candy Wolfgang Candy- ORDER TAKER February 20-March 9 th 40-43% Rec Center Dance(s) April or May & October or December ?? Raffle Fundraiser (Yankee tickets, ipad & digital camera) April-May %