Napoleon is a product of the French Revolution(s). Estates-General and National Assembly Storming of the Bastille, Constitutional Monarch Execution of King Louis XVI Abolition of Feudalism and Establishment of the Republic Reign of Terror BACKGROUND FOR NAPOLEON
Thermidorian Reaction- push back from Jacobin rule Established the Directory Five-man Directory (Executive) from Council of 500 Bicameral Legislature – Council of Elders (Ancients) and Council of 500 CONSTITUTION OF 1795
The Directory- Constitution of the Year III-1795 Three coup took place during the Directory France is a war with a lot of countries and broke. Royalist rebel in Paris, Directory uses Napoleon and is promoted War of the Frist Coalition- Britain, Austria, Prussia and more. FRANCE: FROM TURMOIL TO TRIUMPH!
Born in Ajaccio, Corsica Transferred to France Republic of Genoa – Minor Italian nobility Military School at 9 years old – Lieutenant – Captain – Siege of Toulon Brigadier General NAPOLEONS MILITARY BACKGROUND
Born under the Old Regime (monarchy) – Noble but minor – Officer training school but faces “glass ceilings” Product of the Revolution – The Revolutionary Wars: upward mobility for young officers Trained in modern warfare: artillery Energetic, quick thinking, and intelligent Embraces quality before the law WHY NAPOLEON?
1798- War of the Second Coalition – Coup of 18 Brumaire Ends the Revolutions says Napoleon Elected as Frist Consul, then for life Concordat of 1801 – Pope Pius VII Civil Code (Napoleonic Code)- modeled after Roman “Body of Civil Law”/Code of Justinian Proclaimed Emperor by the Senate and crowned himself in the company of the Pope FROM TURMOIL TO TRIUMPH
Law based on common sense and equality rather than custom societal division and rule of kings Reflected the aspirations for a uniform legal system, legal equality, and protection of property and individuals However, women were viewed as less than men. – Rights the same if not less than a minor. CIVIL CODE/NAPOLEONIC CODE
1804- French Empire War of the Third Coalition Battle of Trafalgar – Franco-Spanish fleet lost to British Royal Navy Holy Roman Empire is abolished, Austria is left War of the Fourth Coalition – Prussia loses half of its territory FROM TRIUMPH TO CONQUEROR
1807- Peninsular War: crushes Spanish rebellions and Joseph Bonaparte as King of Spain 1809War of the Fifth Coalition – Divorces Josephine and remarries Archduchess of Austria Marie Louise Suffered harsh loses of men in Russia War of the Sixth Coalition – Due to heavy loses, an out-numbered force, and pressure from the Senate and Generals, Napoleon announced his unconditional abdication APEX TO FALL
Napoleon was exiled to Elba, an island in the Mediterranean, 12 miles off the Tuscan coast. After playing Emperor, Napoleon escapes Elba to French mainland. – “Here I am. Kill your Emperor, if you wish.” With 200,000 men, Napoleon goes on the offensive. – Drive a wedge between British and Prussian armies Battle of Waterloo- Duke of Wellington withstood French attacks while the Prussian arrived and broke Napoleon’s right flank FROM EXILE TO 100 DAYS
Exiled to Saint Helena in the Atlantic Ocean, 1,162 miles from the west coast of Africa. Lived there until his death in May 5, 1821 DEATH BY EXILE
Napoleon spread the ideologies of Liberalism and Nationalism – Men have equal freedoms and rights under the law and unyielding loyalty to one’s nation. Other countries like Prussia would adopt the very military and administrative reforms that had mad France so strong Most importantly: You can’t beat Russia in the winter! SIGNIFICANCE?
He built this to honor those who fought and died for France in the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars ARC DE TRIOMPHE/ARCH OF TRIUMPH OF THE STAR