WP3 Hello Steve Fisher / RAL 14/1/2004
WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 14/1/2004Hello2 Safety If fire alarm goes off – leave If klaxon sounds – close windows and look confident
WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 14/1/2004Hello3 Network Today you have wireless Tomorrow and Friday – you have nothing! –Please make sure you have your talks on a laptop in advance
WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 14/1/2004Hello4 Schedule Schedule is fairly relaxed –But it will no doubt not appear that way I need 5 note takers for the 5 half days: –Only record conclusions and significant points –Please upload directly to the agenda page –Today EGEE, ARDA, CMS, LCG – Rob –Tomorrow Grid Services – Steve F Quality, Replication and Security – David O’C –Friday Mediation – Steve H Wrap-up – Linda
WP3 Steve Fisher/RAL - 14/1/2004Hello5 The Bear “I” will pay directly for GridPP people – including dinner on Thursday. We will need some transport to Wantage this evening. –How many? –When?