These are signal words for which of the text structures: Not long after, After that, Next Chronological
The following are signal words are for which text structure: In contrast, On the other hand, However Compare and Contrast
The following sight words are for which text structure: First, Second, Third, Before Sequential
This text structure is when information in a passage is organized in order of space or location. Spatial
Ideas or steps are prioritized by the writer or speaker according to a hierarchy of value Name the Text Structure Order of Importance
The author gives the reason why something happened and reasons are the causes and the thing that happens is the effect. Cause and Effect
The writer expresses a dilemma or concern (problem) then something that was done, can be done, or should be done to fix it (solution). Problem and Solution
The company has a clearly laid out hierarchy. All major decisions go through the president, who controls the entire operation, but most daily decisions go to the board. Beneath the board members are the regional managers, who oversee the branch managers, who run each local branch. Order of Importance
This morning was crazy. My alarm clock was set for PM instead of AM, so I woke up really late. I just threw on some clothes and ran out the door. I rode my bike as fast as I could and thought that I was going to be late for sure, but when I got there everyone was outside and there were firetrucks all lined up in front of school. I guess somebody pulled the fire alarm before class started. It worked out though, because nobody really noticed or minded that I was tardy. Chronological
How to Make Cookies. First, get your materials. Then, make your dough. Lastly, cook your dough at 400 degrees for 10 minutes. Sequence
Many people think that they can get sick by going into cold weather improperly dressed; however, illnesses are not caused by temperature- they are caused by germs. So while shivering outside in the cold probably won’t strengthen your immune system, you’re more likely to contract an illness indoors because you will have a greater exposure to germs. Cause and Effect
The following are signal words for which text structure: Therefore, So, This led to, As a result, Because, If… then Cause and Effect
Which text structure pattern arranges information in a passage is organized in order of space or location. Spatial
Information in a passage is organized by the order in which it occurred. Name the text structure: Sequence
The similarities and differences of two or more things are explored. Name the text structure pattern: Compare and Contrast
Students are not allowed to chew gum in my class. While some students think that I am just being mean, there are many good reasons for this rule. First, some irresponsible students make messes with their gum. They may leave it on the bottoms of desks, drop it on the floor, or put it on other people’s property. Another reason why I don’t allow students to chew gum is because it is a distraction. When they are allowed to chew gum, students are more worried about having it, popping it, chewing it, and snapping it then they are in listening, writing, reading, and learning. This is why I don’t allow students to chew gum in my class. Cause Effect
Wild chimpanzees are rapidly disappearing. Some people are trying to solve this problem. Otherwise, chimpanzees may one day exist only in zoos. People are trying to save the rain forests and woodlands where the chimps live from being cut down. It will take many people working together to solve this problem. Problem and Solution
A chimpanzee’s body is made for climbing and swinging in the trees. First, it uses its long arms to reach a branch. Next, with its flexible hands and feet, it grabs and hooks on to the branch. Finally, it swings from that branch to another branch of tree. Sequence
Chimps live in groups and like each other a lot, but sometimes they fight. Because they don’t want to stay angry at each other after a fight, they make up by holding a hand out to the other and kissing. They show they are sorry with pats and hugs. Then the anger goes away. Cause and effect
In most parts of the world there are not as many crocodiles as there used to be. This is a problem because crocodiles are becoming endangered and also crocodile are necessary to the balance of nature. Many crocodiles have died because people dried up the swamps and marshes where the crocodiles live. Poachers have also contributed to the dilemma as crocodiles have been desired for their strong, smooth, leathery skins. In order to preserve these mighty creatures, people must take care of the crocodiles’ environment and help put a stop to the needless shooting of these animals. Problem and Solution