Inside Cover (page 0) Rules for using your Science Notebook Pg 1 Physical or Earth Science Semester 1 REFERENCES
Pg 2 Table of Contents: References (This page is the back part of page 1. The paper is folded in half and placed on pages 1 & 2) Pg 3 Safety Regulations for Science Students (READ AND SIGN if you agree)
Pg 4 Student Technology Contract (Put your initials on the lines before the rules. Sign this if you agree. PARENT SIGNATURE is needed) Pg 5 Laboratory/Independent Investigation Guidelines (The “Conclusion” part will be a helpful reference. If you are assigned to write a conclusion, you can use this page for help.)
Pg 6 Measurements in Science: SI Units (Reference to use if you need help with the units of measurement. Also helpful if you need to convert from one unit to another, such as kilometers to meters.) Pg 7 Data Tables & Graphing References (Reference to use if you need help with creating a proper data table. Also helpful with the difference between a LINE and a BAR graph. This page can help guide you to create a successful graph.)
Pg 8 Video Permission Form (PARENT SIGNATURE NEEDED. This was allow you to watch videos in science class.) Pg 9 Science Expectations and Student Contract (The contract we created together in class. Yellow for 8 th grade and Blue for 7 th grade.)
Pg 10 Thinking Map: Branches on Science (8 th grade is on Physical Science while 7 th grade is on Earth Science) Pg 11 Databases
Back Cover: Restroom pass Go back to page 2 and fill it out