Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.
Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.
Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.
Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.
Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.
Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.
Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.
Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.
PERSON NUMBER TENSE and… 1 st 2 nd 3 rd singularplural Present Imperf. FuturePerf…
Active Subject is doing the action Passive Subject is being acted upon If it is acted upon BY something or someone…
Ablative of Agent BY someone use preposition Ablative of Means BY something use preposition ā ab NOT!
Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.
1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they r ris tur mur mini ntur Present Passive Endings
1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they r ris tur mur mini ntur Present Passive Endings
r amor ris amaris tur amatur PRESENT mur amamur min i amamin i ntur amantur I am loved You are loved He is loved We are loved Y’all are loved They are loved
r amor ris amaris tur amatur PRESENT mur amamur min i amamin i ntur amantur I am loved You are loved He is loved We are loved Y’all are loved They are loved
r videor ris vid ē ris tur vid ē tur PRESENT mur vid ē mur min i vid ē min i ntu r videntu r
r videor ris vid ē ris tur vid ē tur PRESENT mur vid ē mur min i vid ē min i ntu r videntu r
r ducor ducri s duceri s tur ducitur PRESENT mu r ducimu r min i ducimin i ntu r ducuntu r
r ducor ducri s duceri s tur ducitur PRESENT mu r ducimu r min i ducimin i ntu r ducuntu r
r audior ris aud ī ris tur aud ī tur PRESENT mu r aud ī mu r min i aud ī min i ntur aud ī untur
r audior ris aud ī ris tur aud ī tur PRESENT mu r aud ī mu r min i aud ī min i ntur aud ī untur
1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they bar bari s batur bamur bamini bantur Imperfect Passive Endings
1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they bar bari s batur bamur bamini bantur Imperfect Passive Endings
amabatu r amabar amabari s IMPERFECT amabantu r amabamu r amabamin i I was loved You were loved He was loved We were loved Y’all were loved They were loved
r videor ris vid ē ris tur vid ē tur PRESENT mur vid ē mur min i vid ē min i ntu r videntu r vid ē batu r vid ē bar vid ē bari s IMPERFECT vid ē bantu r vid ē bamu r vid ē bamin i
r ducor ducri s duceri s tur ducitur PRESENT mu r ducimu r min i ducimin i ntu r ducuntu r ducebatu r duceba r ducebari s IMPERFECT ducebantu r ducebamu r ducebamin i
r audior ris aud ī ris tur aud ī tur PRESENT mu r aud ī mu r ntur aud ī untur audi ē batu r audi ē ba r audi ē bari s IMPERFECT audi ē bantu r audi ē bamu r audi ē bamin i min i aud ī min i
1. In urbem mittebar. A) rexC) ā rege B) regeD) regem 2. Y’all are hindered ā bove. A) impedimurC) impedimini B) impedi ē miniD) impediebamur 3. Vir ab imperatore puniebatur. A) will be punishedC) is punishing B) was punishedD) was punishing
1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they bor beri s bitur bimur bimini buntur Future Passive Endings 1 st & 2 nd Conjugation
1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they bor beri s bitur bimur bimini buntur Future Passive Endings 1 st & 2 nd Conjugation
1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they bor beri s bitur bimur bimini buntur Future Passive Endings 1 st & 2 nd Conjugation
amaberi s amabo r amabitu r FUTURE amabimin i amabimu r amabuntu r I will be loved You will be loved He will be loved We will be loved Y’all will be loved They will be loved
amaberi s amabo r amabitu r FUTURE amabimin i amabimu r amabuntu r I will be loved You will be loved He will be loved We will be loved Y’all will be loved They will be loved
r videor ris vid ē ris tur vid ē tur PRESENT mur vid ē mur min i vid ē min i ntu r videntu r vid ē batu r vid ē bar vid ē bari s IMPERFECT vid ē bantu r vid ē bamu r vid ē bamin i vid ē beri s vid ē bo r vid ē bitu r FUTURE vid ē bimi ni vid ē bimu r vid ē buntu r
r videor ris vid ē ris tur vid ē tur PRESENT mur vid ē mur min i vid ē min i ntu r videntu r vid ē batu r vid ē bar vid ē bari s IMPERFECT vid ē bantu r vid ē bamu r vid ē bamin i vid ē beri s vid ē bo r vid ē bitu r FUTURE vid ē bimi ni vid ē bimu r vid ē buntu r
1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they ar ē ris ē tur ē mur ē mini entur Future Passive Endings 3 rd & 4 th Conjugation
1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they arar ē ris ē tur ē mur ē mini entur Future Passive Endings 3 rd & 4 th Conjugation
r ducor ducri s duceri s tur ducitur PRESENT mu r ducimu r min i ducimin i ntu r ducuntu r ducebatu r duceba r ducebari s IMPERFECT ducebantu r ducebamu r ducebamin i duc ē risducar duc ē tu r FUTURE duc ē min i duc ē mu r ducentu r
r audior ris aud ī ris tur aud ī tur PRESENT mu r aud ī mu r min i aud ī min i ntur aud ī untur audi ē batu r audi ē ba r audi ē bari s IMPERFECT audi ē bantu r audi ē bamu r audi ē bamin i r audior ris aud ī ris tur aud ī tur PRESENT mu r aud ī mu r min i aud ī min i ntur aud ī untur audi ē ris audiar audi ē tur FUTURE audi ē min i audi ē mu r audientu r