Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos.


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Presentation transcript:

Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.

Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.

Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.

Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.

Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.

Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.

Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.

Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.

 PERSON  NUMBER  TENSE  and… 1 st 2 nd 3 rd singularplural Present Imperf. FuturePerf…

 Active Subject is doing the action  Passive Subject is being acted upon If it is acted upon BY something or someone…

 Ablative of Agent BY someone use preposition  Ablative of Means BY something use preposition ā ab NOT!

Please translate: 1. Milites imperatorem necant. 2. Imperator ā militibus necatur. 3. Puer porcum emebat. 4. Porcus ā puero emebatur. 5. Plaustrum nos portabit. 6. Nos plaustro portabimur.

1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they r ris tur mur mini ntur Present Passive Endings

1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they r ris tur mur mini ntur Present Passive Endings

r amor ris amaris tur amatur PRESENT mur amamur min i amamin i ntur amantur I am loved You are loved He is loved We are loved Y’all are loved They are loved

r amor ris amaris tur amatur PRESENT mur amamur min i amamin i ntur amantur I am loved You are loved He is loved We are loved Y’all are loved They are loved

r videor ris vid ē ris tur vid ē tur PRESENT mur vid ē mur min i vid ē min i ntu r videntu r

r videor ris vid ē ris tur vid ē tur PRESENT mur vid ē mur min i vid ē min i ntu r videntu r

r ducor ducri s duceri s tur ducitur PRESENT mu r ducimu r min i ducimin i ntu r ducuntu r

r ducor ducri s duceri s tur ducitur PRESENT mu r ducimu r min i ducimin i ntu r ducuntu r

r audior ris aud ī ris tur aud ī tur PRESENT mu r aud ī mu r min i aud ī min i ntur aud ī untur

r audior ris aud ī ris tur aud ī tur PRESENT mu r aud ī mu r min i aud ī min i ntur aud ī untur

1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they bar bari s batur bamur bamini bantur Imperfect Passive Endings

1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they bar bari s batur bamur bamini bantur Imperfect Passive Endings

amabatu r amabar amabari s IMPERFECT amabantu r amabamu r amabamin i I was loved You were loved He was loved We were loved Y’all were loved They were loved

r videor ris vid ē ris tur vid ē tur PRESENT mur vid ē mur min i vid ē min i ntu r videntu r vid ē batu r vid ē bar vid ē bari s IMPERFECT vid ē bantu r vid ē bamu r vid ē bamin i

r ducor ducri s duceri s tur ducitur PRESENT mu r ducimu r min i ducimin i ntu r ducuntu r ducebatu r duceba r ducebari s IMPERFECT ducebantu r ducebamu r ducebamin i

r audior ris aud ī ris tur aud ī tur PRESENT mu r aud ī mu r ntur aud ī untur audi ē batu r audi ē ba r audi ē bari s IMPERFECT audi ē bantu r audi ē bamu r audi ē bamin i min i aud ī min i

1. In urbem mittebar. A) rexC) ā rege B) regeD) regem 2. Y’all are hindered ā bove. A) impedimurC) impedimini B) impedi ē miniD) impediebamur 3. Vir ab imperatore puniebatur. A) will be punishedC) is punishing B) was punishedD) was punishing

1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they bor beri s bitur bimur bimini buntur Future Passive Endings 1 st & 2 nd Conjugation

1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they bor beri s bitur bimur bimini buntur Future Passive Endings 1 st & 2 nd Conjugation

1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they bor beri s bitur bimur bimini buntur Future Passive Endings 1 st & 2 nd Conjugation

amaberi s amabo r amabitu r FUTURE amabimin i amabimu r amabuntu r I will be loved You will be loved He will be loved We will be loved Y’all will be loved They will be loved

amaberi s amabo r amabitu r FUTURE amabimin i amabimu r amabuntu r I will be loved You will be loved He will be loved We will be loved Y’all will be loved They will be loved

r videor ris vid ē ris tur vid ē tur PRESENT mur vid ē mur min i vid ē min i ntu r videntu r vid ē batu r vid ē bar vid ē bari s IMPERFECT vid ē bantu r vid ē bamu r vid ē bamin i vid ē beri s vid ē bo r vid ē bitu r FUTURE vid ē bimi ni vid ē bimu r vid ē buntu r

r videor ris vid ē ris tur vid ē tur PRESENT mur vid ē mur min i vid ē min i ntu r videntu r vid ē batu r vid ē bar vid ē bari s IMPERFECT vid ē bantu r vid ē bamu r vid ē bamin i vid ē beri s vid ē bo r vid ē bitu r FUTURE vid ē bimi ni vid ē bimu r vid ē buntu r

1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they ar ē ris ē tur ē mur ē mini entur Future Passive Endings 3 rd & 4 th Conjugation

1 st pers 2 nd pers 3 rd pers I you he/she/ it we y’all they arar ē ris ē tur ē mur ē mini entur Future Passive Endings 3 rd & 4 th Conjugation

r ducor ducri s duceri s tur ducitur PRESENT mu r ducimu r min i ducimin i ntu r ducuntu r ducebatu r duceba r ducebari s IMPERFECT ducebantu r ducebamu r ducebamin i duc ē risducar duc ē tu r FUTURE duc ē min i duc ē mu r ducentu r

r audior ris aud ī ris tur aud ī tur PRESENT mu r aud ī mu r min i aud ī min i ntur aud ī untur audi ē batu r audi ē ba r audi ē bari s IMPERFECT audi ē bantu r audi ē bamu r audi ē bamin i r audior ris aud ī ris tur aud ī tur PRESENT mu r aud ī mu r min i aud ī min i ntur aud ī untur audi ē ris audiar audi ē tur FUTURE audi ē min i audi ē mu r audientu r