There is competition in most major industries. What does this mean? What kind of economic system does this suggest Brazil has? The two largest banks are government owned. What does this mean? What kind of economic system does this suggest Brazil has?
Strongest economy of all the South American countries Strong agricultural, mining, manufacturing and service industries Government controls some areas like health care, some banks, and postal service.
So … Brazil has a _____________ market economy! Why?
Top trading partners: The United States and Argentina Brazil is the #1 producer of coffee in the world Other products: Crops: sugarcane and oranges Manufacturing: cars, trucks and other items made of steel (Brazil has iron ore deposits as a natural resource)
According to Cuba’s government, most industries are owned by the government. The U.S. banned trade with Cuba because of it’s communist government. What does this mean? What type of economic system does this suggest that Cuba has? Cuba has a thriving informal economy, where people can get goods and services the government doesn’t provide. This informal economy is based on competition. What does this mean? What type of economic system does this suggest that Cuba has?
BUT ULTIMATELY … Government owns all resources and property, and decides what and how much is to be produced.
Cuba has a _________________ economy! Why?
Trading Partners: Venezuela and China (the Soviet Union was Cuba’s main trading partner before it’s collapse) Major Exports: sugar, nickel, tobacco and fish
Complete the Economic Systems Analysis on Brazil and Cuba!
Step One: On your own! List 3 – 5 main ideas of today’s lesson on the economies of Brazil and Cuba. Write down at least 1 thing that you are still confused about. Step Two: With your partner! Compare your lists. Write a main idea statement (a complete sentence!) for today’s lesson using each of your lists. Using the issues/confusing points you each listed either: Write a statement correcting the confusion, if you can help each other. Write questions to pose to the class, so that you can write a correct statement.