Ecological Succession
Warm up… 1.What is succession? 2.In what types of areas does succession occur? 3.Is succession a good thing, a bad thing, or both? Explain.
Gradual development of a community over time following predictable stages Primary or secondary
Primary Succession Begins in a place without any soil Arrival of PIONEER SPECIES –lichens, etc. do not need soil to survive
Soil forms –Weathering and erosion break down rocks, decomposition or organic material
Simple plants grow –Mosses then later ferns
Grasses, wildflowers, other plants begin to grow
Shrubs and trees grow
Insects, small birds, and mammals move in
Secondary Succession In a place that has soil & living organisms –Example: after forest fires Faster Different pioneer species
Climax Community End result of succession Stable group of plants and animals Not necessarily big trees –Ex: grasses in prairies, cacti in deserts
Sequencing Succession –Put the pictures on your desk in order from the beginning to the end of the succession sequence –Decide if it is primary or secondary succession –Explain the process
Compare and contrast Primary and Secondary succession –What are the conditions? –How long does it take? –What does it start with? –What are the pioneers? PrimarySecondary