2005 Uniform Needs Assessment Data University of South Florida Regional Partnership
ESE Personal Survey 2005: 620 ESE personnel surveys 2004 Estimated # of ESE personal in USF Region: 6,314
Estimated 2005 USF PDP Regional Response Rate
Current positions of Personnel
Primary certification of personnel Primary Certification # Personnel ESE K (22%) Varying Exceptionalities 62 (10%) Specific Learning Disabilities 60 (10%) Emotionally Handicapped 43 (7%) Elementary Education 34 (5%) Secondary Subject Area 9 (1%)
How Personnel met requirements for Florida Certification
Experience of personnel Range from 0 to 39 years 3 years was the mode response but only 6% of the total 111 ( 19%)Beginning personnel (3 years and less) 509 ( 81%)Veteran personnel (more than 3 years)
Additional certification/endorsement to meet requirements of NCLB 12 percent (73) need additional certification or endorsement Primary areas include Secondary Subject Area ESE K-12 ESOL Plan to meet requirements: Course by course (41%) Test only (29%) Alternative route (19%)
Grade Levels taught or provide related services
Top 10 professional development needs of personnel surveyed Designing and implementing behavior management programs/strategies for ESE students Developing the social skills of ESE students with varying needs Managing your time effectively: time management, scheduling, organizational skills, stress management Understanding student learning styles/brain compatible instruction Using technology to support instruction/provide services Understanding and using assistive technology
Top 10 professional development needs of personnel surveyed (continued) Collaborating/coordinating instructional and support programs and services for ESE students with other professional/community partners Developing and implementing inclusive practices to ensure ESE students’ access to general education curriculum Completing the Matrix of Services Using data-based decision-making to guide instruction/services
Top 5 concerns about position Time available to complete paperwork (72%) Salary and benefits (71%) Time for collaborative planning and instruction (64%) Level of school/building support for special education/student support services (52%) Teacher-student ratio (51%)
Retention of teachers and related services personnel Issue % Yes % No Stay in same job next year? 90%10% Stay in job in 5 years? 62%38% Stay in same school next year? 91%9% Stay in same school in 5 years? 62%38%
ESE Paraprofessional Survey 2005: 49 paraprofessional surveys Estimate of paraprofessional in USF Region = 3,273
Paraprofessional : Grade Level assignment
Primary exceptionality of students Primary Exceptionality # Paraprofessionals Educable Mentally Handicapped 12 (24%) Specific Learning Disabilities 9 (18%) Autistic 3 (6%) Emotionally Handicapped 3 (6%) Language/Speech Impaired 2 (4%) Trainable Mentally Handicapped 2 (4%)
Major settings 75% of paraprofessionals work in one of the three settings: Self Contained Classroom (37%) General Education Classroom/Inclusion Classroom (24%) ESE Resource Classroom (14%)
Level of Education
Experience of paraprofessionals 5.5 Average years of teaching Range from 1 up to 21 1 yr was mode response, 31% of total 26 (53%)Beginning paraprofessionals (less than 3 yrs.) 23 (47%)Veteran paraprofessionals (more than 3 yrs.)
Top 10 professional development needs of surveyed paraprofessionals Knowing what to do in medical emergencies Understanding and using behavior management programs of ESE students Developing the social skills of ESE students with varying needs Using effective math instruction with ESE students Using effective reading instruction with ESE students Using accommodations and modifications for ESE students Understanding Disabilities Using Technology to support instruction Understanding secondary transition programs/skills for future employment and independent living of students Using inclusive practices to ensure ESE students access to general education curriculum
Preferred times and delivery methods for training Preferred Times Release Time During School Day (55%) After School (27%) Saturdays/Weekends with pay (20%) Preferred delivery methods On-Line Courses (31%) Small Group Training/Single Day Workshop (29%) Consultation/Mentoring (12%)
Retention of paras and career plans Continue working as a para next year? 42 (86%) Continue working as a para in 5 years? 21 (43%) Plan to become an ESE teacher? 21 (43%) Have you begun your coursework to become an ESE teacher? 8 (16%)
Top 5 concerns about position Time available to plan with teachers and other para-educators/Tas (55%) Being able to participate in the professional development opportunities you want (53%) Administrative understanding and support of ESE (49%) Number of students in you class or caseload (47%) Appropriate materials and supplies for your students in good supply (45%)