WIHS ERPD Melissa Deacon
1. Go to the i3 + C3 wiki i3c3.pbworks.com 2. Think about what kind of learner you are: visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. 3. Take a dot from your table and post it to the board under the “Pre” column for how you think you learn best. Red=Visual Green = Auditory Yellow=Kinesthetic
Identify your particular learning style Understand your particular learning style and how to best meet the needs of student with that learning style. Understand how to use simple literacy strategies that could be used in any content area.
Go to the wiki: i3c3.pbworks.com Click on WIHS ERPD Select a “Learning Styles Inventory” from those listed
How well THEY are engaged How well WE structure
2-10 minute rule : Students should SAY, WRITE or DO something every 2-10 minutes every day, every lesson SAY: Oral language WRITE: Written language DO: pointing, touching, demonstrating, performing, etc.
Now that you know your learning style: 1. SAY : Tell a partner what you learned about your learning style. 2. WRITE: On a sticky note, write one sentence about your learning style. 3. DO: Draw a picture on your sticky note that symbolizes the meaning of the sentence you wrote.
DIFFERENTIATION Curriculum: Content/Process/Product/Environment Student: Readiness/Interest/Learning Style
To share with students: You will learn more easily and with greater success once you have unlocked your learning style and discovered the best methods for helping you learn. You may be surprised to discover just how well you can flourish in the classroom, even in subjects that you previously found difficult!
Protein markers REM/NREM sleep cycles What do your students have to experience to be able to “make” a protein marker, and thereby, LEARN? unley%20Brain%20Biology%20and%20Layered% 20Curriculum.pdf unley%20Brain%20Biology%20and%20Layered% 20Curriculum.pdf
Grades K-2 are primarily taught kinesthetically Grades 3-6 are primarily taught visually Grades 7-12 are primarily taught auditorily
Statistics reveal that most high school dropouts are kinesthetic learners. 80% of prison inmates are high school dropouts. - Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory (NWREL) The Parent Project (a research-based parenting program) reports that 80% of the prison population are kinesthetic learners
Your modality indicates what you need to be able to: Concentrate Learn Process File Information But, What are Learning Styles?
Materials needed: The Visual (Spatial) learning style sheet inside of sheet protector Vis a Vis Marker Sheet with “Tier 1 Literacy Strategies” in the top right corner.
Take a moment to review the information on the back of this page.
SAY: Tell a partner what new information you have learned about VISUAL LEARNERS. WRITE: On a sticky note, list the ways that visual students may appear to be “off task.” DO: Draw a picture/graph/diagram of something from your lesson yesterday that you think could help a visual learner access your content.
Wiki Time! Please visit the i3 + C3 wiki and click on Auditory Learners Please number off 1, 2, 3 at your table and read/click through the resources in your numbered section.
Do: Using the back of one of your handouts, draw a picture of the seating arrangement in your classroom currently. Say: Tell a partner how you could arrange the room to accommodate your auditory learners. Write: Write on a sticky note the ways that auditory learners could appear to be off task or disruptive.
Wiki Time! Please visit the i3 + C3 wiki and click on Kinesthetic Learners Please number off 1, 2, 3 at your table and read/click through the resources in your numbered section.
SAY: Tell a partner what new information you have learned about KINESTHETIC LEARNERS. WRITE: On a sticky note, list ways kinesthetic students may appear to be “off task.” DO: Using the items on the front table, what could you ask kinesthetic students to create to show their learning from yesterday’s lesson?
How could you teach that concept or skill to a: Visual Learner Auditory Learner Kinesthetic Learner
Think, Link, Ink Think- about the your biggest “ a-ha” from this session today. Link-Share with a partner Ink-Go to: and record your biggest a-ha!
How did the regular “SAY, WRITE, DO” segments increase your engagement and understanding? How might you use “SAY, WRITE, DO” in your classroom this week?
How could you differentiate next week’s lesson content for a: Visual Learner Auditory Learner Kinesthetic Learner