A study of stopping propensity at matured red light camera T-intersections 學生:董瑩蟬
Purpose This paper investigated the T-intersection with camera or not that effect the driver stopping odd different. The driver crossing/stopping decision used to building logistic modeling.
Reference There are 34% traffic accident occurred at intersection. (Traffic Police Department of Singapore, ) The factor of driver cross decision effect include vehicle speed and distance from stop-line and driver attitude and so on. (Van der Horst & Wilmink, 1986; Allos et al.,1992)
Reference Porter and England (2000) collect the driver crossing yellow versus red that used logistic regression to compare the violations factors and characteristics. Kent et al.,1995 used ordinal logistic modle found that the red light camera (RLC) on significant effect on red-running behavior.
Method The sites was three intersection. The sites described in table 1 The Int_M was comparison intersection
The logistic modeling was used to building the decision-marking (the driver stopping or crossing), when the yellow light situation.
Result According to the SAS result we can obtain a formula.
Result The individual factors effect the odds ratio :
Conclusion This study was successfully to building the logistic model. The intersection with camera or not that the driver behavior different. The result found the intersection may increase the stopping odds about 17 times.