Kids Learning is Fun Writing an Interesting Sentence
Are a string of words that start with a capital letter and end in a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark. All sentences must have a subject and a verb. What is a sentence?
Basic Sentence Structure A simple sentence must contain a noun, a verb and make sense. The basic sentence structure contains 3 parts. –the subject (the noun) –the object (affected by or receiving the action) –the predicate (contains the verb)
Basic Sentence: predicate The cat sat on the mat. Subject object
Basic Sentence The boy ran.
Basic Sentence Formula Basic sentence + Who?- add adjectives
Basic Sentence Formula The happy boy ran.
Basic Sentence Formula + Doing what?- add adverbs How is he doing it?
Basic Sentence Formula The happy boy ran quickly.
Basic Sentence Formula + When? - prepositions
Basic Sentence Formula After school, the happy boy ran quickly.
Basic Sentence Formula + Where- add a clause
Basic Sentence Formula After school, the happy boy ran quickly down the street.
Basic Sentence Formula + Why - add another clause
Basic Sentence Formula After school, the happy boy ran quickly down the street, to his house to see his visiting grandparents.