LIKTA 1 eCompetence Centers : I nstrument of Development and Sustainability of eInclusion Projects and Initiatives Initiative LIKTA – Latvian Information and Communications Technology Association January 15, 2007
LIKTA 2 Initiative – an eInclusion Success Story Project goals: Project goals: Diminish the digital and social gaps in Latvia Diminish the digital and social gaps in Latvia Provide opportunities to everyone for acquiring the skills needed for using computers and Internet, regardless of age or social status Provide opportunities to everyone for acquiring the skills needed for using computers and Internet, regardless of age or social status Promote the usage of existing e-services on the Internet and facilitate the creation of new and useful content Promote the usage of existing e-services on the Internet and facilitate the creation of new and useful content Ensure that every person in Latvia will have access to Internet Ensure that every person in Latvia will have access to Internet Build-up social networking through participation, communication and cooperation Build-up social networking through participation, communication and cooperation Project activities: Project activities: Development of motivation strategy Development of motivation strategy Training programs development and pilot trainings Training programs development and pilot trainings Expand the project to cover the whole country by forming new partnerships Expand the project to cover the whole country by forming new partnerships Transfer the method and best practice to other countries Transfer the method and best practice to other countries Extend the project with new ways to further social inclusion Extend the project with new ways to further social inclusion
LIKTA 3 The Idea of eCompetence Centres How to bring the ICT opportunities to the people? How to bring the ICT opportunities to the people? Most digitally excluded people live in rural and remote areas Most digitally excluded people live in rural and remote areas People must be trained and get support on site (not more than 25 km from their homes) People must be trained and get support on site (not more than 25 km from their homes) Local trainers, training centres, Internet access points and coordinators needed Local trainers, training centres, Internet access points and coordinators needed Best solution: Develop eCompetence centres for sustainability and support of eInclusion initiatives Develop eCompetence centres for sustainability and support of eInclusion initiatives
LIKTA 5 Functions of the eCompetence Centres: To promote the development of the Information Society in the region To promote the development of the Information Society in the region To offer ICT training and consultations to local residents and organisations To offer ICT training and consultations to local residents and organisations To develop and disseminate best practice, organize information events on eInclusion To develop and disseminate best practice, organize information events on eInclusion To develop and facilitate e-services To develop and facilitate e-services To offer practical support to local residents with respect to ICT and the Information Society To offer practical support to local residents with respect to ICT and the Information Society
LIKTA 6 Qualifications criteria of eCompetence Centres: Accessible facilities (also with reference to people with disabilities) Accessible facilities (also with reference to people with disabilities) A well-equipped computer classroom (at least 10 workstations) A well-equipped computer classroom (at least 10 workstations) A free-of-charge public Internet access facility at the Centres A free-of-charge public Internet access facility at the Centres Sufficient technologies in support of the e-services that are offered Sufficient technologies in support of the e-services that are offered A support specialist to offer consultations to local residents on issues related to the Information Society and ICT A support specialist to offer consultations to local residents on issues related to the Information Society and ICT Experience in offering training and/or consultations to local residents and organisations Experience in offering training and/or consultations to local residents and organisations The willingness and readiness to become involved in new Information Society and ICT training projects The willingness and readiness to become involved in new Information Society and ICT training projects Experience and skills in approaching people to get them involved in Information Society projects Experience and skills in approaching people to get them involved in Information Society projects A sustainable development concept A sustainable development concept
LIKTA 7 Thank you for attention!