What is The Daily Five?
The Daily 5 will help establish… …A sense of trust …A freedom for choice …A sense of community …A sense of urgency …Stamina …Routines for Independence
The Daily Five is a student driven management structure designed to fully engage students in reading and writing. Why use the Daily 5?
The Daily Five is a concept based on the idea that our students need to learn independence in their own literacy development. During the literacy block in the classroom, students need to work independently on skills while other students are involved in direct instruction with the classroom teacher or other staff member.
The Daily Five are: Read to Self: in order to become better readers, students must have opportunities to read. Strategies are taught to students that help them choose "just right" books to enjoy reading by themselves. Read to Someone: reading with someone helps readers and encourages self-sufficiency. Students learn about positioning their bodies for reading together and about discussing the contents of the reading by checking each other for understanding during the reading. Listen to Reading: listen to good models of reading helps students to improve their own reading and it provides the audio support for reading that some children may be lacking. Work on Writing: students need time to write about things that really matter to them. This could be something that a student began to write during a writing workshop time. This gives students an independent time to develop their ideas. Word Work: practicing spelling helps students become better spellers and writers and, also, better readers. This time can be spent in working with spelling patterns, high frequency words or working with interesting words and vocabulary.
Anchor charts are large charts created based on what children have to say. They make thinking more permanent and create a visual that can be referred to. Each part of the Daily 5 needs to be modeled with an anchor chart. Anchor Charts and Modeling
Experiment with words for learning and practice spelling patterns Memorize high frequency words Generalize spelling patterns Add to the knowledge and curiosity of unique and interesting words. Word Work… Focus on spelling and vocabulary words during this time. Working on words is critical to developing readers, writers, and communicator. Students will:
Persuasive writing Friendly letters to classmates Recount narratives Poetry Work on Writing provides students with time to spend on writing things that interest them. Typically this writing extends the writing program already used.
1. I pick a book 2. P urpose (What's my purpose for choosing this book? ) 3. I nterest (Does this book interest me?) 4. C omprehend (Can I comprehend what I'm reading?) 5. K now (Do I know most of the words?) The students are taught from day one about choosing and selecting books that are just right for their reading level. They are called "Good Fit Books".
Other Daily 5 Essentials Establishing a Gathering Place Finding “Good-Fit” Books Book Boxes Anchor Charts Signals & Check-in Repeated Practice Other Daily 5 Essentials Establishing a Gathering Place Finding “Good-Fit” Books Book Boxes Anchor Charts Signals & Check-in Repeated Practice
1. A designated meeting area for where you will meet with groups 2. A designated area where you will meet with the whole class 3. A classroom library for students 4. A place for each student to store their good fit books 5 A place for listening centers and listening center books - We have 3 listening centers. 6. A place for writing materials 7. A bulletin board or space designated for Daily 5 anchor charts Getting You Room Set Up: You need to have a few things organized before you begin Daily 5.
Resources Southland Website Isd500.k12.mn.us Links to practice sites for math and reading Link to Minnesota Dept. of Ed resources MCA testing activities