Mussolini: Il Duce, Founder of Fascism, and Hitler’s Inspiration
Benito Mussolini ( ) Son of a Blacksmith A Socialist till WWI, when his nationalism took over Went to school until 18 – Received a degree for teaching Voluntary isolation in Switzerland Returned to Italy to join the army
Italy after Mussolini gets back Sept 1911 – Italy goes to war with Turkey over Libya – Sabotage, disruption of railway lines – Mussolini as the rock star Socialist faction in Italy causing problems 1914 – Mussolini breaks from Socialists and forms Fascists – Doctrine of Fascism – Popolo d’Italia
Aims of Mussolini Restore the damaged national pride – Started in Ethiopia – lost to Menelik II Return Italy to the height of the Roman Empire Build up the country of Italy so it never has to bow to any other power
Rise of Mussolini ARDITI – militarized sect of soldiers who believed in the honor of war – when Mussolini gets ahold of them, they become the SQUADRISTI 1919 officially forms fascists
Rise of Mussolini 1922 – March on Rome – Bring all fascists to Rome from across the country – They take over all important buildings – Demand the resignation of the gov’t King asks Mussolini to lead a new gov’t – 30 October 1922
Italian Fascist Party Individual has no meaning but to glorify the state War creates virtue Secret police maintain order, intimidate opposition Extreme Pro-Italian Minorities demonized to unify the majority (Anti-Semitic, homosexual, communist, etc Totalitarian corporatism
The Secret Police Because of the fear of enemies and the need for security, human rights can be ignored People look the other way or approve of torture, executions, assassination, etc.
Education First sentence pronounced by children at school was “Let us salute the flag in the Roman fashion; hail to Italy; hail to Mussolini” – “Cerchiamo di salutare la bandiera nel campo della moda romana, grandine in Italia; grandine a Mussolini” Textbooks emphasized: – Glory of ancient Rome – Limitations imposed upon Italy by geography and the West – Imperial destiny that awaited Italy
The Individual and the State Men were urged to be ruthless, selfless warriors Women were encouraged to “win the battle of motherhood” – 14 or more children got you a medal – Women were pushed out of paying jobs Shaping the young was one of his goals – Learned about ancient Rome
Mussolini and the Jews Mussolini did NOT have a Jewish Holocaust program – 75% of Italian Jews survived WWII However – “The Manifesto of the Racist Scientists” (1938) – Forbid all Jews from teaching or serving in gov’t or military – Pure Italians – Human races exist and they represent true races
Mussolini Became Hitler’s Role Model