IRONY Please fill in the blanks on your notes as we go through this PowerPoint.
Irony Comes in Many Different Forms irony = noun ironies = plural noun ironic = adjective ironical = adjective ironically = adverb
What is Irony? (Fill in the blanks on your notes!) To use words to express the opposite of the literal meaning. To show the absurdity between actual result of events and the normal or expected result. Frequently, the audience (reader) of a drama or piece of literature will understand the irony whereas the characters in the story may not. CREATES SUSPENSE OR HUMOR
There are many types of Irony ▪ Verbal ▪ (Sarcasm - Humor) ▪ Situational ▪ (Event – Suspense/ Humor) ▪ Dramatic ▪ (Suspense)
Situational Irony (Event) ▪ When the opposite of what you expected happens ▪ Example: You wash your car and then it rains ▪ What is ironic about this cartoon? →
Verbal Irony (Sarcasm) (Fill in the blanks on your notes!) ▪ Sarcasm is verbal irony; it is praise which is really an insult; sarcasm generally involves malice (meanness), the desire to put someone down ▪ Example: "This is my brilliant son, who failed out of college.” ▪ How is this ironing (irony) board being sarcastic? →
Dramatic Irony (Suspense) ▪ When the reader or audience is aware of something that the characters in the story are not. ▪ Make the readers/ audience feel suspense! ▪ Example: The robber is in the house and the family just got home from vacation and is walking into the front door.
Satire is Another Form of Irony Satire is the exposure of the vices or follies of an individual, a group, an institution, an idea, a society, etc., usually with a view to correcting it. Satirists frequently use irony. Example: Literature: There are numerous examples of satire in Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn. He uses satire as a tool to share his ideas and opinion on slavery, human nature and many other issues that afflicted American society at that time. Political Cartoons, Saturday Night Live, The Colbert Report, John Stewart