Irony is a term with a range of meanings, all of them involving some sort of discrepancy or incongruity. In other words, truth appears in a mask that disguises it.
Verbal Irony This is a figure of speech in which the opposite is said from what is intended. This statement usually involves the explicit expression of one attitude or evaluation, but with indications in the overall speech-situation that the speaker intends a very different, and often opposite attitude or evaluation.
Dramatic Irony This occurs when an author (usually in plays) creates a contrast between what a character says and what the reader (audience) knows to be true. The character unknowingly acts in a way we recognize to be grossly inappropriate to the actual circumstances, or expects the opposite of what we know that fate holds in store, or says something that anticipates the actual outcome, but not at all in the way that the character intends.
Situational Irony This occurs when the author is able to hide or to disguise the true state of affairs from the reader or audience and then spring it on us as a surprise. It is a moment in the story when led to expect or to believe one thing, we suddenly confront a different outcome. It is usually the most important kind of irony because the discrepancy is between appearance and reality, or between expectation and fulfillment, or between what is and what would seem appropriate.
Ending thoughts… All forms of irony depend on the unexpected in some way, and rely on the reader or audience to perceive intelligently the slight smile as the author says one thing and means another, or invites us to delight in the discomfort of a character who discovers that reality is not what he thought it was.