Making the Most of Software for Learning to Support Te Reo Māori. E tipu, e rea, mō ngā rā o tō ao; ko to ringaringa ki ngā rākau a te Pākehā hei oranga mō tō tinana; ko tō ngākau ki ngā taonga o ō tīpuna hei tikitiki mō tō māhunga. Ko tō wairua ki tō Atua, nāna nei ngā mea katoa Dee Reid : Rochelle Jensen :
Māori-medium English-medium
Curriculum level/s Context/s Socio- cultural theme/s Topic/s Text type/s Achievement objective/s Language mode/s Proficiency target/s
Workshop Aim: To explore how Software for Learning can be used to support teaching and learning Te Reo Maori. Wallwisher/wiki – today’s links m/eStory2 aGOoCF1w The context of MIHI 1.2 Introduce themselves… 1.4 Communicate about personal information… 2.1 Communicate about relationships… 6.4 Communicate in formal situations…
Our content is not nearly as important as your interaction with the content.
What software and digital resources do you make use of in your teaching and learning programme? a) Make a list. b) Give one, Get one
The Software for Learning website informs and supports teachers to select and integrate software as part of a rich learning environment. What would you hope to find within this website to assist you in your role as a teacher?
Shairng our kete What software and digital resources do you currently use in your work with teachers? Make a list. Give one, Get one
glogster vokiflickr voice-thread
Glogster What is it? A glog is a digital poster that can contain images, videos and sound. How can it be used to support Te Aho Arataki Marau? -Language Modes: Mātakitaki / presenting: Kōrero / speaking: Tuhituhi / writing -A 21 st Century ‘text type’ -ONE example: 1.5 Communicate about location – using ‘Kei hea…’ How does it work?
Voki What is it? Voki enables students to create a character and give it a voice over. How can it be used to support Te Aho Arataki Marau? -2.5 Communicate about physical characteristics, personality and feelings -‘He parauri ōku karu’ ‘He roa ōku makawe, he pango hoki’ How does it work?
What is it? VoicethreadVoicethread is a way to talk about and share images, documents and video. How can it be used to support Te Aho Arataki Marau? -3.5 Communicate about events and where they take place -Using context of karakia, describing purpose and appropriateness of various types of karakia, links to Atua roles, responsibilities and domain, practice across language modes and opportunities provided for language input and output How does it work? Voice-thread
Flickr What is it? Flickr is an image and video hosting website and online community platform. In addition to being a How does it work? How can it be used to support Te Aho Arataki Marau? -5.1 Communicate about past activities and events -Using visual stimuli to prompt the use of new language learned. ‘Anei, koinei’
Which of these tools appeal to you? How could it be applied to enhance learning and teaching in your classroom?