APEX RUN-12 APEX Schedule Feb 22, 2012 Injection 8am 11pm IP transfer matrix Tepikian, Ptitsyn If needed: Beam Scrubbing Blaskiewicz, Montag, Huang Injection IPM calibration Roger Off momentum beta beat measurement/correction White, Luo, Bai 4:30pm Store Injection 4pm V dispersion C. Liu, Luo, Minty Back2Physics 12am Bunch intensity limit with 9MHz cavity Bai, Blaskiewicz, Brenanna, Hao High Intensity Beam Study Montag, Blaskiewicz, Marusic confirm the bpm interlock system Cryogenic BPM cable heating due to short high intensity proton bunches (P. Thieberger, M. Minty, R. Michnoff) Measure resistive wall losses with high intensity protons (P. Thieberger, R. Than) Transverse impedance measurement (M. Minty, C. Dawson) Benchmark instability simulations with high intensity protons Tune scan: pi mode suppression Luo, White 8pm 6pm Spin flipper setup Bai, Oddo, Dawson, Jorg.. Store 10pm
APEX RUN-12 High Intensity Beam Study PI: C. Montag, M. Blaskiewicz Goal: Check RHIC readiness for high intensity protons at injection as well as at store. Beam intensity: 109 bunches with 3x10^11 per bunch at injection and 2.5x10^11 per bunch at store Observations: Had 2.85x10^11 in 107 bunches in Blue before the abort kicker smoke alarm took it down. Were still injecting at that time, so cryo tempeartures had no time to settle. 63 bunches in Yellow with ~2.5e11 caused a pressure instability in yo4
APEX RUN-12 High Intensity Beam Study
APEX RUN-12 IP Transfer Map PI: S. Tepikian, V. Ptitsyn Measure twiss and coupling at IP
APEX RUN-12 IP Transfer Map
APEX RUN-12 V Dispersion and Coupling Correction PI: C. Liu A new scheme to correct V dispersion without compromising decoupling
APEX RUN-12 V Dispersion and Coupling Correction Blue at injection
APEX RUN-12 Non-linear chromaticity and beta-beat correction at store PI: Y. Luo
APEX RUN-12 Non-linear chromaticity and beta-beat correction at store PI: Y. Luo
APEX RUN-12 Non-linear chromaticity and beta-beat correction at store PI: Y. Luo
APEX RUN-12 Suppress Pi mode PI: Y. Luo, S. White
APEX RUN-12 Suppress Pi mode BTF Measurement
APEX RUN-12 Suppress Pi mode
APEX RUN-12 APEX Schedule March 7, 2012 Store 8am11pm IP transfer matrix Tepikian, Ptitsyn If needed: Beam Scrubbing Blaskiewicz, Montag, Huang StoreRampInjection Spin flipper M. Bai, P. Oddo, … Back2Physics 12am High Intensity Beam Study Montag, Blaskiewicz, Marusic confirm the bpm interlock system Measure resistive wall losses with high intensity protons (P. Thieberger, R. Than) Transverse impedance measurement (M. Minty, C. Dawson) Benchmark instability simulations with high intensity protons Beam-beam studies Luo, White 10am12pm