What would be the senses that would be stimulated by the receptors? Vision, hearing and proprioception (TKE) Touch – feeling pressure/pain Example? Kinaesthesis – know how the movement should ‘feel’. Example? Equilibrium – knowing how balanced you are, information generated by the middle ear. Example? Who would use this a lot?
Everything in the surroundings or environment Some of this information will stimulate the sensory system of the performer. What would be the display for a footballer?
Vision Hearing Proprioception
This process interprets and makes sense of the information received It has 3 elements: DETECTION: the brain detects the stimulus is present COMPARISON: the brain compares the stimuli to the long-term memory RECOGNITION: the stimulus is matched/recognised to one stored in the long-term memory
Detection- other player who is coming towards you. Comparison – Compare this to what happened the last time you went towards the player. Recognition – The stimulus is matched to being smashed into the floor.
How could you apply the DCR process to our Tennis Player ?
Our memory plays an important role in the perceptual and decision making processes. Why? Short-term sensory store (STSS) Short-term memory (STM) Long-term memory (LTM
(0.25-1sec) Large capacity and decides what information is important and it attends to that. Other information is quickly lost. Could attend to crowd. Could attend noise. Could attend to spin on ball. Sprinter attend to the gun. ( simple so low perceptual load, so can attend to the gun) Dependant on experience
Once the information has been interpreted a response now needs to be selected and put into action. What decision could our tennis player have made? The action will be in the form of a ‘MOTOR PROGRAMME’
What decisions could our player make?
The motor programme is put into action by sending impulses via the nervous system to the muscles to carry out the action The movement is then performed
INTRINSIC EXTRINSIC From the proprioceptors / feel of the movement Example? Experienced performers use it to adjust their movements Beginners use it to learn the ‘feel’ of the movement From external sources What could they be? Received by visual/auditory senses Used to augment intrinsic feedback Important for beginners as intrinsic feedback is limited
Serial Processing When information is processed in stages. Goes in a sequence. Trampoline sequence Jump Turn Straddle jump Swivel hips
When information is processed at the same time i.e. received a pass. Following process at the same time. Height of ball Speed of ball Direction Position Position of opposition
Start with display Try and complete the boxes related to one movement. Remember this happens over and over again.