Patryce L. Harvey, M.Ed. Instructional Technology Data Specialist Rockdale County Public Schools GAETC 2013 SUCCESS BY DESIGN: A Look at Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
How can I make sure I reach EVERY student, EVERY day? ELL/ESOL Has an IEP Struggling readers Auditory learner
What We’ll Do Today What UDL is (and what it isn’t) UDL vs. Differentiated Instruction How it looks in the Classroom Take it for a test drive!
What is UDL? UDL was first developed in the 1990s by researchers at the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST). They define UDL as: “…a research-based framework for designing curricula – that is educational goals, methods, materials and assessments – that enable all individuals to gain knowledge, skills and enthusiasm for learning. This is accomplished by simultaneously providing rich supports for learning and reducing barriers to the curriculum, while maintaining high achievement standards for all students.” - retrieved October 9, 2013 from Maryland Learning Links - Three Main Principles: RepresentationAction and Expression Engagement
OR… From Maryland Learning Links Classroom Example:
UDL vs. Differentiated Instruction UDL Proactive Intentional Student-driven Relevant DI Reactive Random Teacher directed Generalized UDL Guidelines Educator Worksheet Retrieved 11/5/13 from
Things to Consider IN How will the information get IN? OUT How will they get the information OUT? Learning Materials Learning Methods Assessments
Learning Materials – Your “Toolkit” PowerP oint Non-fiction text Music/audio Writing software Interactive digital text Artifacts ArtworkShort fiction Assistive tools Internet videos Graphic Organizers
Learning Methods – “Info In” Scaffolding Compacting Interest centers Choice boards Flexible grouping Lectures with scaffolding supports Multimedia Lots of examples Role play Field trips
Assessments – “Info Out” Oral presentation Multimedia project Creative pre-assessments Traditional assessments Ticket out the Door
Interactive UDL Activity Maryland Learning Links
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