Instructor – Cindy Quisenberry
small elevation with WBC’s, sometimes bacteria or other cells (pus filled sacs – example: pimple)
localized, originating in hair follicle
An abscess of the skin, formed by the merger of two or more boils
A localized collection of pus in any body part that results from invasion of a pyogenic bacterium or other pathogen
The rule of nines is a standardized method used to quickly assess how much body surface area (BSA) has been burned on a patient. This rule is only applied to partial thickness (2 nd degree) and full thickness (3 rd degree) burns.
The diagram depicts BSA percentages for adults and infants of one year or less.
For children over the age of one year, for each year above one, add 0.5% to each leg and subtract 1% for the head. This formula should be used until the adult rule of nines values are reached. For example, a 5-year old child would be +2% for each leg and -4% for the head