1 Wins, Losses, Errors and Ties Quality Improvement in the VA 1994 to 2004 Lisa V. Rubenstein, MD, MSPH
2 Overview: The VA As a National Demonstration Project How has VA care changed, 1994 – 2004? (Rubenstein) What is the evidence for improvement? Primary care (Yano) Computerization (Doebbeling) Cardiovascular disease (Petersen) Overall quality measures (Asch) Commentary (Brook)
3 The VA Before 1994 Primary care was illegal Most outpatient care in specialty and walk- in clinics (“triage”) System resources concentrated in northern academic centers Quality of care complaints from veterans and congress common Roosevelt Commission
4 VA Health Services Research/Clinical Partnership VA HSR investment 1970’s-- Centers of Excellence and Resource Centers HSR-based initiatives Resources matched to patients (VERA) Primary care initiative Computer medical record Performance monitoring Quality Enhancement and Research Initiative (QUERI)
5 Computer Medical Record Implementation of the computer medical record –Reminders –Regional data warehouses –Clinician order entry –Computer medical record (CPRS) –Healthe Vet will be interactive with patients –Cost accounting system
6 Performance Measures Medical Center and VISN Directors Paid for Performance since 1995 Office of Quality and Performance –Patient satisfaction surveys (Picker- Commonwealth) –Medical record review (External Peer Review Program)