History of Israel Recounted in the Bible History of IsraelDatesPeople Recounted in the Bible 1. Ancestral Period BCAbraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob, Joseph Genesis Sojourn in Egypt BCExodus l 3. Exodus & Wilderness Wanderings BCMoses, Aaron, MiriamExodus – Deuteronomy 4. Occupation & Period of the Judges BCJoshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson Joshua, Judges, Ruth 5. United Monarchy BCSamuel, Saul, David, Nathan, Solomon 1 Samuel — 1 Kings Divided Monarchy A. Israel (Northern) B. Judah (Southern) BC BC Jeroboam I, Ahab, Jezebel, Elijah, Elisha Amos, Hosea Rehoboam, Hezekiah, Isaiah, Josiah, Jeremiah 1 Kings 12 – 2 Kings 17 Amos, Hosea 1 Kings 12—2 Kings 25 Isaiah 1-39, Zephaniah Nahum, Jeremiah Habakkuk
Semitic HerdersGenesis 12
Semitic HerdersGenesis 12
EuphratesGenesis 12 Biblical Archaeology Society
Genesis 12
SyriaGenesis 12
Bethel & AiGenesis 12
NegevGenesis 12
EgyptGenesis 12
Bethel & AiGenesis 13
Hebron areaGenesis 13
Genesis 15
Genesis 16 Biblical Archaeology Society
Wilderness of Shur Genesis 16:7
Biblical Archaeology Society Genesis 18
Wilderness of Beersheba Genesis 21:14
Genesis 22 Abraham’s servants
Genesis 22 Abraham Binding Isaac
Genesis 23 Tomb