Community Ecology: Structure, Species Interactions, Succession and Sustainability Chapter 8 “What is this balance of nature that ecologists talk about?” Stuart L. Pimm
Key Concepts Community Structure Roles of species Species interactions Changes in ecosystems Stability of ecosystems
Community Structure: Appearance and Species Diversity Stratification Species Diversity Species richness Niche structure Edge effects
Biodiversity Latitude Depth Pollution Theory of island biogeography Fig. 8-3 p. 167 Ants Birds
General Types of Species Native Non-native (exotic or alien) Indicator Keystone
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Species Interactions: Competition Intraspecific competition Interspecific competition Interference competition Exploitation competition Competitive exclusion principle Resource partitioning
Resource Partitioning
Species Interactions: Predation Predator Prey Prey acquisition Predator avoidance
Symbiotic Species Interactions: Parasitism Parasite Host Endoparasites Ectoparasites
Symbiotic Species Interactions: Mutualism Reproductive mutualism: pollination Nutritional mutualism Nutritional/protection mutualism
Symbiotic Species Interactions: Commensalism Indirect: i.e., small plants growing in shade of larger plants Direct: i.e., epiphytes, remoras
Ecological Succession: Communities in Transition Primary succession Secondary succession Pioneer Species Successional species
Primary Succession
Secondary Succession
Succession and Wildlife
The Rate of Succession Facilitation Inhibition Tolerance
Ecological Stability and Sustainability Disturbance Climax community Inertia Constancy Resilience Precautionary principle
Writing Assignment The town council has observed that the frog population of a local stream has been dwindling. This stream receives storm water from a new development that has been planting and fertilizing the lawns of the new homes being built. The town council is looking to limit the amount of pesticide, herbicide, and fertilizer that can be applied to personal property. You assignment is to write a letter supporting or opposing this limitation. (You will be assigned one side or the other.) In your letter, use information from chapter 8 to write your letter.