DAV PILKEY Author Study Presentation by: Mr. Yanke Author and Illustrator
About the Author Full name is David Pilkey Born March 4 th, 1966 in Cleveland, Ohio! One older sister, Cindy Went to elementary school in Elyria, Ohio Was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia Biography Definition; dyslexia: a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letter, and other symbols.
About the Author Dav was frequently reprimanded in elementary school for his behavior and he was sent to the hallway many times. This is where he created his Captain Underpants character. Biography
About the Author Dav entered his first book World War Won in a national competition for student authors and won in his age category. The book was published in Biography
About the Author Dav Pilkey signed a deal with Scholastic on March 19, 2010 and has released many short stories since then. Biography
Character Names by Dav Pilkey Mr. Meaner Mr. Rected Ms. Guided Dr. Diaper The Dandelion of Doom The Lunchroom Zombie Nerds of the Zombi Juice The Wedgie Woman The Bionic Booger Boy Professor Pippy Pee-Pee Poopypants
Books by Dav Pilkey Captain Underpants series Ricky Ricotta series Big Dog & Little Dog series When Cats Dream The Hallo-Wiener Kat Kong Silly Gooses The Paperboy Dogzilla
Awards won by Dav Pilkey 1986: The National Written and Illustrated by…Awards Contest for Students, ages category 1997: Caldecott Honor Award 1998: California Young Reader Medal 2007: Disney Adventures Kids’ Choice Awards