Respiratory Problems Asthma Anaphylaxis Anxiety
What do you do? Figure out what is going on so you can fix the problem!!!
S/S of DYSPNEA What are some signs & symptoms of difficulty breathing?
Common Respiratory Problems Asthma anaphylaxis anxiety
Asthma Affects nearly 10 million Americans 4-5,000 deaths per year
Definition of Asthma Reversible airflow obstruction caused by bronchial smooth muscle contraction,
Definition of Asthma, ctd Excess mucus secretion resulting in bronchial plugging, and….
Definition of Asthma, ctd Inflammatory changes in the bronchial walls.
Signs and Symptoms of Asthma Known history of asthma obvious respiratory distress
Signs and Symptoms of Asthma Rapid breathing (>30) cough, tightness in chest
Signs and Symptoms of Asthma Inability to speak full sentences labored breathing
Signs and Symptoms of Asthma Diaphoresis (sweating) pale or cyanotic nails/skin/lips
Signs and Symptoms of Asthma “tripod position” audible wheezing prolonged expiratory phase
Treatment of Asthma Call 911! Allow patient to stay in most comfortable position have patient use own inhalers if possible
Treatment of Asthma Take vital signs and write them down remind patient to keep breathing!
Anaphylaxis Severe allergic reaction causes deaths each year
Signs and Symptoms of Anaphylaxis Patient may know they are having allergic rxn obvious respiratory distress
Signs and Symptoms of Anaphylaxis Tightness in throat and chest audible wheezing on inhale AND exhale
Signs and Symptoms of Anaphylaxis Runny nose tearing hives Flushed, red skin swelling
Signs and Symptoms of Anaphylaxis May have low BP due to shock
Treatment of Anaphylaxis Have patient use inhalers or epipen if possible; benadryl.
Hyperventilation Often called an “anxiety attack” or “panic attack” no related deaths
“Anxiety Attacks” This patient is very upset, terrified of dying, and has the feeling that it is…..
“Anxiety Attacks” Impossible to get enough air into the chest, even though there is really…..
“Anxiety Attacks” More air than usual being exchanged. This person has TOO much oxygen!
S/S of “Anxiety Attacks” Rapid, deep breathing or gasping for air flushed, red appearance diaphoresis
S/S of “Anxiety Attacks” Dizziness rapid heart beat normal or high BP
S/S of “Anxiety Attacks” This person will complain of numbness and tingling to fingers and toes!
Tx of “Anxiety Attacks” Be careful to take a complete history and not miss something more serious going on.
Tx of “Anxiety Attacks” Calm the patient have them slow breathing, in through nose, out through mouth
Tx of “Anxiety Attacks” Paper bag (only if you’re 100% sure it’s not something more serious!)