Possible special issue of journal Engineering Geology Contact person Janusz Wasowski Information will also be provided on the Conference web site
The Next Generation of Research on Earthquake-induced Landslides 1.Inventories 2.Regional scale analysis and hazard evaluation 3.Case studies, mechanisms studies, analytical methods and monitoring 4.Input ground motion 5.Landscape evolution and sediment delivery 6.Organizational structure?
1. Landslide Inventories Need for many more; how to produce, both technically organizationally Remote sensing. Feasibility and processing. Automation Data sharing and availability, guidelines, standarization
2. Regional scale analysis and hazard evaluation Developments and refinements Regional differences (tectonic environments/faulting mechanisms, etc.) Deep-seated and large landslides
3. Case studies, mechanisms studies, analytical methods and monitoring Monitored sites Development of analytical techniques – initial failure and movement Shake table and physical modelling Incorporation of pore-water pressures (dynamic) Geotechnical characterization and uncertainty
4. Site effects Source effects (directivity and fling) Site effects (topographic amplification and “stratigraphic” influence, directional effects) Path effects Uncertainty
5. Landscape evolution and sediment delivery Long-term effects
6. Organizational structure?